Chapter 6

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We were half into our journey of getting to the North side when Hyo started moaning, i turned around to see what happened and I realised he began kneeling, showing me that he was tired. "Hyo, uurggh, come on then!" i screamed but he began crying so i had to pick him up and soothe him quietly; taking your little brother was a pain in the South side, literally! We were nearly at the end of our journey because i could see most of the gate now. I put Hyo down and ran as fast as i could to the gate while Hyo was trailing behind me but eventually caught up.

I slammed my face hard against the gate, Jae wasn't there and forget about me but i'd made Hyo, a little 2 year old come all this way for no reason. I fell to the ground and felt around my purse, unbelievably the moon cakes were still warm. Hyo came and sat next to me while i tried to look at the bright side "Atleast i get to see the lights and the people laughing and cheering oh and the beautiful shop ornaments and scented candles hanging." Hyo laughed "Where home?" he said "Where?" i smiled at him and felt bad for him again "Maybe i should just turn around and go home, it would allow me to do some house work as well."

I got up and picked Hyo up, ready to leave to go home. "Eun! Eun!" i turned around and saw Jae running towards me almost out of breath "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"What? I've been looking for you!" I laughed and put Hyo down again to run towards the gate, again Hyo following after me. Finally Jae reached the gate and i gave her a few minutes to catch her breath "This isn't the part of the gate we met up on yesterday!" she yelled laughing "It's over there!" she pointed towards a more crooked rickety part of the gate and just then i realised she was right. There was a hole in it, thats how we shook hands, i laughed and we sat down.

We began talking as Hyo giggled again and sat next to me "Who's this?" Jae asked

"Oh, its my little brother Hyo, don't worry about him, he won't be a bother."

"Well, he's adorable. Oh, i'm starving!" she held on her stomach hard "I skipped breakfast,"

"Jees, i never skip breakfast, father doesn't allow it. But speaking of starving..." i pulled out the plastic bag of moon cakes from my purse and shaked it in my hands "Mmmmm...yummy, lets eat," Jae said licking her lips.

After a long time of eating and talking Hyo began to moan "Hyo need to go home!" he yelled for a good five minutes. I tried to ignore him as much as I could but the sound of his moaning was ringing in my ears and I could tell Jae started to get a bit impatient with him. I tried to shut him up by jamming a bit of moon cake in his tiny little mouth which acctually worked before he swallowed it down in one giant gulp. I didn't want to be rude in front of Jae and give him a thwack over the head in front of Jae so eventually I had to plan my journey back home. "Oh so you like soy pasta do you? I'll be sure to bring it next time" I said giving Jae a high five through the broken gate and soon me and Hyo started our pain-staking journey back home.

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