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Beep! Beep! Beep! Marina slapped at her alarm clock until she hit the off button. Thankful for the annoying noise to be over, Marina slowly pulled her cover down off her body. She shivered as the chill from her open window washed over her. Marina yawned as she stretched out her limbs. Goosebumps climbed her arms as her feet touched the cold hardwood floors.

She walked over to her on-suite bathroom and started to undress for a shower. Today was Monday, and Marina was very upset. She moaned as she stepped in the scalding hot water. She quickly washed her body and hair and turned the water off. She sang off-key to one of her favorite song, How To Be A Heart-breaker, by Marina and the Diamonds. She thought it was very ironic, but loved it.

Once dried and wrapped in her fluffy maroon towel, she exited her bathroom. In her room, she picked out a brown sweater and a pair of maroon skinny jeans. She grabbed a off-white scarf and snatched her army green with fur jacket from behind her closed door. Grabbing her black and white polka dot backpack filled with textbooks and her brown hiking boots, she left her room, phone in pocket.

Downstairs and in the kitchen, Marina grabbed a fresh cinnamon roll off the counter. Grabbing a fork, she sat down and dug into the gooey goodness as it filled her mouth, the homemade icing coating her taste buds.

Today was Marina's birthday, and she was very bitter at the fact that it fell on a Monday this year. Once done with her breakfast, Marina left a note for her mom and ran out the door. Her mom wouldn't get home till later, so when she got the note, she would know Marina was going out with friends.

Walking to school, Marina felt a tingling on her hip, but just ignored it. At school, she walked to her locker to find her two besties leaning against her locker. "Hi, guys!" Greeted Marina as she walked up to her friends. It was Abby and Kirsten. (And no, Marina's friend's name is K-I-R-S-T-E-N! Kur-sten! Definitely not Kristen!)

"Happy birthday, Marina!" Both girls squealed, engulfing Marina in a group hug. All separating, Marina proceeded to get all her stuff for her first period, Trigonometry. Marina despised Mondays, because those were the only days of the weeks that she started the day with Trig. "We need to get to class, guys." Marina stated as she pushed her friends towards Trig. "But we HATE Trig!" Abby cried, digging her heels into the hard tile.

Finally in class, which they still managed to get to early, the trio sat down and got out their books. They didn't dare talk in class, they were that scared of their teacher, Ms. Kuntz. After a boring and long period, the bell finally rang, releasing them from class. Next, Marina had gym with Kirsten while Abby went to FACs.

"Come on!" Called Kirsten to Marina as they pushed through the crowded hallways. As they went, Marina couldn't shake the weird feeling radiating from her hip. Marina decided she would check it out when she changed for gym.

In the locker room, Marina pulled off her sweater. Sure enough, a small mark shaped like a paw sat gently against her skin. "Whoa, Marina, did you get a tattoo?" Marina looked up to see Ginny, her red-head friend staring at her hip. "No, It's a temporary tattoo I just put on last night," Marina lied, trying to hide her shocked expression.

"Oh, Okay," Ginny said, a confused look upon her face. She dropped the topic, though, which Marina was glad for. After quickly changing, Marina joined Kirsten on the field. She was definitely not athletic, in the very least okay at running. Today they were doing five-ball soccer, one of Marina's favorite games. She was fairly good at it, and loved the thrill of chasing the ball.

After gym, the rest of the day was boring. Well, despite the fact that bad-boy player Grayson Lewis kept glancing at Marina. She knew she was at least okay looking, but she looked nothing like his current toy, Chloe. Chloe was your classic mean girl; constantly throwing fits and calling "Daddy." Her dad was the mayor, and she got everything she wanted, except all of Grayson's attention, which even her dad's money couldn't get her.

After seeing the strange mark, Marina decided to cancel her plans with Abby and Kirsten, claiming to feel sick. She had to get home to examine the mark, and to try to get it off. Maybe she was supernatural and talked to animals? No, she must have just gotten a weird birthmark, like the ones people got that looked like Elvis or something. It had to be science.

At home, she ripped up the note and walked up to her room. After twenty minutes scratching and rubbing at her skin, Marina gave up. She pulled out her laptop,and before she could even start it up, she faintly heard the front door open. Huh, she could never hear it before? Either way, Marina walked downstairs to see her mom setting a big bag on the counter.

"Hi, mom!" Marina greeted. "Oh baby, come here and open your presents." Her mom pulled out three wrapped gifts and a envelope. "Open the gifts first, then open the envelope. The envelope is from your father. He wanted you to have it when you turned sixteen." Tears brimmed Marina's mother's eyes, the same for Marina. "Okay," Marina said in a cheery tone. The tears went away and Marina began to open her presents.

In the end, Marina ended up with a new sketchbook, a new book she had wanted. "Open the last box!" Her mom said, happiness evident in her eyes. When Marina opened it, she gasped. Inside was a scrapbook of all the moments in Marina's life up until she turned sixteen. It even had picture she had taken just days ago.

"Mom, this is perfect!" Marina cried, tears freely spilling over her cheeks. "Oh, baby!" Marina's mom held Marina as they both cried. After a few minutes of crying, they dried their eyes, now ready to open the last thing. It was a big orange envelope, Marina's name written in her father's beautiful cursive across the front.

"Open it, baby," Marina's mom said, anxious to know what her husband left their daughter. Inside was a book, all about folklore. Confused, Marina opened the letter.

Dear Marina,

If you are reading this, I'm already died and you are sixteen. This is a letter to inform you, my darling, about what you are. This book will answer the question I cannot. inside I have marked all the pages that have to do with you. I wish you luck, my darling, and hope this finds you and mom in good health and fortune.



Marina didn't cry this time, but picked up the book instead. "Marina, what was in that letter?" Marina knew she shouldn't but couldn't help feel angry at her mother for trying to invade her private stuff. "Oh nothing, just telling me about this book and why he thought I would like it." Marina lied, gesturing with the letter. Marina's mom just nodded.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed." Marina stated, picking up the bag of her gifts and walking up the stairs. In her room, she quickly flipped open the book. Inside, the first page listed the types of folklore in the book. Only one title was marked with a little paw-print. The title was Shapeshifters.

"I can't deal with this tonight!" Marina cried, slamming to book closed, causing a could of dust to escape. She trust the book on to her desk and jumped into her bed. Within minutes,she fell asleep. What she didn't know, was a silent pair of golden eyes watched her as she slowly realized what she is.

The End! No, just the end of this chapter. Hello my Shifters! I hope you like everything so far. Marina is going to start to realize what she is, and soon we will find out who the unlikely person that helps her on her first change is. Is it someone she knows, or is it a total stranger? Continue reading to find out! Oh how I'm SO evil and probably won't update for like another week! Bye guys! ;D xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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