Chapter 2

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Andy's POV
I didn't expect anyone to follow me nor did I want them to. Falling is like volunteering to be damned to hell. Majority of these people just were bored there, others were close to me, some, just plain dumb. I turned as I watched balls of light and flames land onto the face of Earth. I spun and I couldn't help but smile. Thousands of rebels, a possible army, fighting for equality.
Everyone who landed, slowly stood up, their once pure white wings now a midnight black. That process hurt, but not terribly, just a pinch. People gathered with their family's and friends. A few talked to me, patting my shoulders or hugs. I was shocked, I didn't really do much of anything. I was talking to a family who went on about being forced to work up there, including their four year old son. They told me that in their human lives they died from a house fire. I was barely listening. I glanced over the father's shoulder to see a girl. She laid flat on the ground, not moving. I excused myself and jogged over to the her. I kneeled next to her, noticing her wings. The tops were black but the rest were white. I looked around to see if anyone else had this. No one. Everyone's were jet black. I scooped her up in my arms and started to walk to a building that I had claimed mine. She opened her eyes up to me. "Just relax, it's painful at first but you'll be just fine." I said soothingly, I could almost smell her fear.
"Where am I?" She asked, her voice just above a whisper.
"And who are you?" She asked, her questions getting a bit annoying.
"Andy. Now just rest." I laid her body onto the small cot that was my bed. Her eyes immediately closed and her breathing evened out. I kneeled down next to her and touched her wings. The base was almost burnt off but they'd heal. The bottoms were still white. That made no sense.
     I covered her with a blanket, not wanting anyone to see the confusing coloration. I stood up and retracted my own wings back into my body, making me look like a human, none the less. I took one last glance at her and walked out back into the crumbling city.
Ella's POV
     I slowly opened my eyes, only to quickly shut them when a blinding light took away my vision. I opened them again and my eyes adjusted. I was in a small room. I glanced around and almost jumped back seeing him there.
     "Good morning." He said in his deep voice. Just then, everything came back to me. The falling, the crashing, and him.
     "Hi." I said softly, still a bit shy.
     " I brought you some breakfast, it's not much of anything but since we're half human now, we have to eat." He held out a piece of bread and a few strawberries. I took them from his hands and began to eat. I hadn't realized how hungry I was, I haven't actually been hungry in the time I was in heaven. I sat up and immediately saw Andy's eyes dart behind me. I turned but was blocked by a black and white wing. Wait, that's mine.
"Why is it like that?" I asked slowly and unsure.
"I'm not sure but you should probably retract them." Andy replied, his eyes still studying the discolored wings.
"But we aren't allowed to d-," I stopped, "Oh yeah. There aren't rules here." A cute smirk formed on Andy's lips causing my cheeks to turn hot and pink. I pulled my wings into my body, a slight pinch as the skin over them connected. I ran my fingers over my bare back. I've haven't felt that since I was human and alive.
"It's crazy isn't it?" Andy said, touching his own back.
"Yeah. I haven't felt that in forever."
"When was the last time?" Andy asked, I knew he wanted to know when I died.
"Well, what year is it?" I asked. All aspects of time were cancelled in Heaven so I had no idea what the date was.
"2042." He responded instantly. I thought, doing the math in my head.
"26 years. I died in 2016, you?"
"43. I died in the Iraq war in 2003." My eyes widened.
"You were a soldier?" Shock laced in my voice.
"Yeah,"He chuckled as he replied, "I was in the Marine Corps."
"Holy shit." I mumbled.
"Why did you die?" He asked. The mood completely changed. I took my eyes off of him and looked at the floor."
"I don't really want to talk about it."
"Oh alright, that's fine."
"Thanks. It's kind of a rough subject." I tucked my hair behind my ear then looked up at Andy. For the first time I really studied his features. His eyes were ice blue but he had jet black hair, he stood probably close to 6'2, he was skinny but you could obviously see the definition of muscle in his arms. I was completely focused on him when there was a loud bang outside, then screaming and yelling. Andy and I both jumped up.
"What the hell?" Andy said then looked over to me. Then within a few steps, we were heading out the door and what we saw, would change or civilization forever.

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