Future Fungus Part 1

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It has been a month now. A whole month since the explosion at the ARC and exactly a week since Nick's funeral.

It was quiet, not many people were there; Nick didn't have many people that were close to him. He was a very private man in life and now, I guess, in death as well. It was just me, Abby, Connor, Jenny, Sarah, Lester, Becker and some co-workers that I'm pretty sure he almost never talked to. I knew Becker didn't feel comfortable there considering him and Nick didn't know each other well but I'm grateful that he came and paid his respects.

We haven't really talked about what happened a couple weeks back. With planning the funeral and going through Nick's things, that I claimed, I have just been too busy to allow myself to contemplate any kind of relationship with him.

But now I've started to find myself wanting to talk to him about it. I keep hoping he mentions it, also wanting to sort our 'relationship' out, but he never does.

And then whenever I try to bring it up there is always something in the way of me doing so, whether it be Connor barging in accidentally or a false alarm from the anomaly detecting device.

"Mia!" Shaking my head I look up to see Abby pointing to my hand with a mock angry face. Looking down I notice how the ancient plant I was watering was now overflowing.

Swearing I scramble to pick the pot up and empty the excess water into a bucket. Looking up, once the plant is back in place, I see Abby standing there with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"We've had this new botanical, enviromentally controlled, lab for less than a week." She tries to act mad but I can see the hint of a smile on the corner of her lips.

My sheepish grin somewhat breaks her facade and she shakes her head chuckling while I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry. I just got caught up in my thoughts." Shrugging I go over and grab a spray bottle to spray the leaves of some of the other plants.

Turning my back to her I focus on some of the smaller species we have and start with the little purple succulents and a few tiny air plants dating back to the jurassic.

I sigh when I feel Abby's small hand on my shoulder making me turn to face the girl who is around the same height as me, begrudgingly I will admit she is a couple inches, at most, taller than I am.

Turning I come face to face with her only to see the concern in her eyes shining through. Sending her a small smile I rub her upper arm reassuringly. "I'm fine, Abby." By the look in her eyes I can tell she doesn't believe me but doesn't question me on it.

"If you ever need to talk, please come to me." Her caring side shows through greatly. I nod with a tiny, yet grateful smile before forcing a larger one on my face.

"Well I better get going. Lupin needs feeding." I tell her as my false smile turns genuine at the thought of the canis dirus pup, better known as a direwolf.

An anomaly opened up at a random warehouse in downtown London and me, Abby and a few security were the ones chosen to go but by the time we got there a man was dead and all bloodied was a dying direwolf who was in labour with her pups. Because of my history of being a vetinary midwife for animals such as wolves I helped the prehistoric wolf birth four pups.

Because of the fight the mother must of had with the human man she was injured badly which caused her early birthing since her body knew she was dying.

This led to three out of the four pups to die almost instantly due to under development but the biggest and obviously most developed pup miraculously managed to survive against all of the odds placed against him.

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