Journalist Jerk Part 2

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As soon as I see the creature start to get up the terror pushes me forward into action. Quickly running over to my bike I swivel my rifle onto my back before placing the helmet on my head.

"Mia, don't!" I hear Becker shout in warning but before he can think of stopping me, I swing my leg over the bike and peel away from them. "Come on. Come on." I mutter feeling my breath blow back on me when it hits my helmet. My eyes widen when I get half way there, realising I won't make it in time since the dinosaur is already standing in front of a terrified Connor who is laying on the floor looking up at it. I lean further forward pushing the bike faster as I become more streamlined. Just as I think Connor is done for and a scream escapes my lips, someone swoops in, in a helicopter, distracting the dinosaur from Connor.

As I make it to him I quickly take my helmet off throwing it to a distracted Connor who barely catches it. Looking at the object in his hands his eyebrows furrow in confusion. Swinging off of the bike I stand in front of Connor protectively while grabbing and shooting my rifle at the dinosaur. Sending a look over my shoulder I find a stock still Connor, confused to what I want him to do. "Connor, you're always asking to get on my damn bike, so get on it!" I shout walking backwards so I'm still facing the dinosaur and when I come to stand next to him I press the helmet down on his head which he already lifted it to do. "What about you?" Connor seems to somewhat snap out of his shocked state as he hurriedly gets on my bike and starts it. I sigh in relief knowing he knows how to ride. "I'll be fine! Get back to the anomaly." I say noticing Abby's car diving towards us. He swiftly nods before wizzing off.

Taking shots I back up further to meet the car that quickly stops next to me, reluctant to keep my eyes off of the somewhat distracted creature for more than a second. Becker opens the door, "get in." I look around for a place to sit not wanting to sit on his lap after the argument we had. Maybe I could just hold onto the roof really hard? I know I'm being silly in a crisis but my stubborn side just won't let me make a move to get into the car. "Get in!" Becker obviously doesn't mind the awkwardness as he pulls me onto his lap and slams the door while keeping an arm around my waist like a seatbelt which still doesn't stop me from hanging half out the window wanting a better view. "What sort of lunatic is he?" I hear Becker ask from behind me as we look up at the helicopter leading the dinosaur away. "Who is he?" I ask over my shoulder looking at Jenny as I move around a bit on Becker's lap trying to face her. "Danny Quinn." She replies annoyed. Swivling back around I stick myself out the window again looking at the man in awe. "He's got guts. I'll give him that." I can't help but warm slightly to the man knowing he saved Connor's life.

"I think he's trying to lead it back into the hangar." I inform flopping back into the car and moving slightly to face the others but before I can get any further I feel Becker hold me still. Looking back at him frowning I notice a slight blush on his cheeks but ignore it turning my head to the front. "Connor, did you lock the anomaly?" I ask the man further ahead of us through my earpiece panicking as I realise if he has then the dinosaur will be trapped in the shed with a team of people. "Oh, yes!" He seems proud as he answers before realisation seems to hit him, "oh, no."

"Get back to the hangar, quick as you can." I talk through the earpiece before we go over a slight bump making me jump slightly. Becker groans from behind me. "Mia, for the love of God stop moving!" I blush finally realising what has been happening as I feel something poke my bum. "Sorry!" I exclaim making Abby look over at me with slight amusement in her eyes at my horrified expression. Not the time nor the place, Abby.

We get to the hanger just after Connor does. I quickly get out, embarrassed, before jogging over to where Connor is with his collapsing device. "What do you think you're doing?!" I hear Jenny exclaim and I look over my shoulder to see the reporter woman with Michael holding a camera. "Ever heard of freedom of the press?" I groan in annoyance as I stand closer to the entrance but still close enough to grab Connor. "Connor, now!" Jenny shouts as Danny comes around the corner heading straight for the anomaly. He quickly opens the anomaly back up only for Danny to go through making me gasp in shock as I throw myself to the floor to dodge his propellers. "You know what, I quit!" Michael says getting off of the ground and shoving the camera into the woman's hands. "Oh, this is going to be an amazing shot!" The woman exclaims as the dino rounds the corner to go after Danny through the anomaly. Michael stays behind the woman as the dino backs them up towards the anomaly.

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