Future Fungus Part 2

Start from the beginning

He shakes his head in disbelief. "What we thought was ash was just millions of spores. It's reproducing itself. If it gets into the ARC, we're finished." I gasp slightly but don't let my shock get to me, focusing on the danger at hand. "So fire won't kill it?"

"Listen. No, tell Danny if he tries to burn it, it's going to spread through half of London." My eyes widen as I pull my phone out of my shorts back pocket. Going to Jenny's number I try getting through only to be almost instantly cut off. Next I try Abby and get the same. Sighing I go down to Becker's number and bite down my pride while his number dials.

After a few rings he answers. "Mia?" He seems preoccupied but still rather confused as to why I was calling. "Listen Becker, don't use the flame throwers. The-"

"I can't hear you." His voice comes through slightly scrambled but still clear enough to understand. "What?"

"You're breaking up, I can't hear what you're saying. Are you saying to go ahead?"

"No! No, listen-" The line goes dead.

"Oh my God!" I exclaim in frustration, keeping my phone in my hands as I try over and over to get through to any of them. It's Jenny this time that picks up. "Mia?"

"Don't use the flamethrowers!" I basically scream down the phone. I assume she hears me as I can hear muffled shouts and orders being thrown about. Lester must of been informed of the present situation since when I turn around he is walking over. "What is it now." He stops himself from talking further as he sees Connor standing up and away from the rapidly growing fungus in the lab. Looking to Connor I notice him grab a metal pole and open a refrigerated cooling box which instantly makes the fungus die back. My eyes widen at his realisation. "We can kill it." He seems very excited as he points for me to press the button allowing us to communicate. I do so. "Mia, we can freeze it! Turn the temperature gauge down to as low as it will go."

"What about you? You'll freeze to death." My voice fills with concern as he starts opening more fridge boxes up. "Just do it. I'll be fine." I jog the short distance from the window to the door where the thermostat is and push up the cover panel before turning the temperature down. Going back to the window I watch on, useless as my hands twitch, wanting to do something to help him.

I see as the temperature in the room lessens so does Connor's will to stay standing as the freezing temperature cripples him to a sitting position. I watch on as he slowly starts to freeze and curl in on himself. "We need to get him out of there!" I try to make a move for the thermostat but Lester's voice stops me. "The fungus needs to be dead." So now I'm stuck in a position where I don't know what to do. Save one of my best friends or potentially risk the lives of the people in the ARC. "Come on Connor, give us a sign." James mumbles as he also looks on in concern.

"It's dying." I whisper as the fungus starts to almost completely disappear. Seconds later Connor manages to raise his hand to shakily give us a thumbs up. "Right, get him out of there." James commands some of the security who instantly enter the room and grab a frozen Connor to pull him out. "Where's those blankets?! Come on!" I snap at a woman walking towards us which gets her to pick up her pace and run. By the time she gets here I'm on my knees and practically laying on him from how far I'm leaning over his body. She quickly tries to cover him in the reflective blankets as I help but give up after realising I'm shaking too much. "Connor?" Lester asks from behind me.

"I'm fine." He rasps as his shivering becomes erratic. He gasps as I put my hands to his freezing cold cheeks. I faintly hear Lester on the phone but don't pay any mind to what he is saying. Looking at Connor he meets my eyes and tries to give me a sheepish grin which I roll my own eyes at. "You. Stupid. Idiot! You almost got yourself killed!" I shout at him trying to act mad when in fact I'm just relieved which shows when I can't stop the smile from spreading across my face. He opens his mouth to reply but I don't let him as I throw my arms around him in a hug unable to listen to my better judgement that I shouldn't be doing so since he shouldn't get too warm too quickly. "I-I lo-love you t-too." He manages to whisper out past his shivers as his hand trembles against my back in an attempt to hold me. Pulling back. "Don't you dare ever do that again." I speak, looking in his eyes as his skin starts to gain some colour. He lets out a quiet scoff. "W-Wasn't planning on it." His joking comment makes me let out a sob of a laugh as I realise tears were brimming in my eyes from the relief.

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