chapter 3

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***** charlie's P.O.V *****

great. two gigiling girls. as lucas dragged lena into the house she giggled and turned to see me, her cheeks a rosey pink as she turned back. i wondered up the stairs leaving them to their own devises and lead myself to my room, the white varnished door didnt tower over my like it used to, the dark blue wall no longer a bright shade of green and my king sized bed no longer a junior single that would be scattered with toys. my table pilled with homework awaiting to be completed and my rug that once tickled my bare feet, the laundry basket sat lonesum not even a single item of clothing to keep it company, my walk in closet was filled with clothes that where to small, to big and the ugly sweaters my nan knits are stuffed into a corner never to be touched unless she comes to visit.... so ugly, i dumped my bag onto the chair and turned up the volume to my speaker blairing out you me at six and sleeping with sirens. i took my bag and looked at the contents seeing if i had any homework i had to complete, i was up for a scollarship so maintaining good grades was my only option to make sure i kept my scollarship. straight A student for almost 2 years now. 

after the evening was over laucas took lena home and i hoped i wouldnt see her around here anymore it's hard to see someone like her, with my taste in music so cute and ... wait what? ugh. i am not falling for this girl i cant do that its not fair to her.

2 months later

my dog burst open, and lena stumbled in, i turned down my music to see her standing there, sleeves over her hands so i could only see the tips of her fingers as she brushed her hair out of her face.


she mumbled

"i thought i heard sleeping sirens, i didnt kjow it was your room. yeah bye"


she stopped and turned to me, as red as ever

"you like this music?"

"am i not allowed or something ..."

"no. no i jsut didnt think a girl like you would like this type of music"

"what do you mean a girl like me?"

she sounded a little mad ..

"i mean like your kinda girly"

"so what just becuase im girly i cant like this type of music?"

"no i didnt mean that just... i dont know, im a boy i say stupid shit man"

"first of im not a man and second i can like what music i like k?"

with that she left my room and walked down the hall, i waited untill i coildnt hear her light footseps anymore, my music was loud and a just lazied around for a while but it bothered me, did i really make her mad? was she still mad at me?

***** lena's P.O.V *****

after my encounter with charlie i was back in lucase's room.

"heeeeeey you took far to long, i swear it dont take girls that long to pee"

"yeah sorry, i could hear charlies music its kinda stuff i like to listen to"

"really, but its so loud and screamy"

"i like that kinda stuff"

"wow. well each to their own right, did he see you"

"yeah then practically insulted me"


"yeah he said im to girly to listen to that kinda music"

"oh ouch, well hes just like that it cant be helped, it kind of in his nature to push people away and say crappy things he's always been that way"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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