chapter 2

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***** charlies P.O.V  *****

i had to see what was hiding behind the hair, a ugly shit, possibly. maybe i dont know, i reached forwards and pushed her bangs out of her face. she was breathtaking. she quickly shock her head and her bangs fell back infront of her face, why did she hide? i wanted to pull her bangs back and see that angelic face once more. whats wrong with me? shes just as girl, her checks had tinted pink from what i could see.

"beautiful girls shouldnt hide you know." 

with that a walked off, i shouldnt of said that, not that anyone would know shes got no friends, shes a freak who deserves a nice guy who could love her and wasnt fucked up, a guy who wasnt lonely and depressed.

that stupid brats face stayed in my head for the rest of the day, no matter what i did to get ride of her there she was, black hair, pushed away by my hands, one soft green eye and the other a outragous blue with hints of gold in both. plump pink lips, and soft pasty skin. beautiful. football. football. new girl. stupid class. football. new girl. new girl. new girl.


"huh what?"

the class laughed lightly and i glared at everyone sending the room into silence.

"do you know the answer?"

"to what?"

"oh never mind"

ive always hated this teacher, she was an old woman, with all due respect to all of everyones elders but i hate her, she had a long nose that her glasses would purch on and she would wear old lady curtains as clothes or thats what they looked like anyways. hwen the bell finally rung i shoot out the room and went striaght to the football feild, changing into my kit and leaving the room, i awaited the other boys as they changed, placing all the footballs down on the feild one next to another and another and so forth. untill the boys all stood infront of one each, we started doing small drills as warm ups and i could here my brother laughing, i turned around to see and familiar head of hair. she followed him up the stairs to the top of the bleachers and pearched on a seat next to my brother, he was talking manically as always and she would nood her head everyonce in a while

"charlie come on"

"sorry, right boys split into two, devin, trent, rez, colton and jerry, austin, mas, dan one team, tj, oliver, bradley, thomas, will, jack, jhon, george and conna on the other lets get to it boys"

they all seporated into the teams i had given them and huddled before the whistle blew and they played, i walked up the bleachers right to where my brother and new girl sat

"lucas? whos your err.... friend?"

"oh this is the new girl in our school, im sure youve already meet her, shes lovely very shy though but anyways shes my friend and is coming back for dinner this evening so play nice and shouldnt you be down there with those boy playing your games or soemthing, we were just saying you all look the same the only way to tell you apart are your numbers"

"uhu, so new girls coming back with us?"

shifting my gaze to her she shuffled slightly.

"i dont have to lucas maybe another night if your busy?"

she whispered

"don't be silly, charlie here is just intimidating but really hes just a big softy right char?"

im going to kill you lucas. i shoot daggers at lucas and he just smiled

"so your still coming back right, dont let him scare you, did you know hes scared of-"


i hissed


"but you are still coming back right?"

"he turned back to new girl and she looked up slightly

"oh, errrrm, if its no trouble i guess ...."


lucas squealed.

"you dont miind right char?"

why was he being so weird its not like i like the girl jesus.

"sure yeah whatever, ill be back gotta get back to the guys, be carful new girl, he can talk for hours"

i walked back down to the boys and finished up. after changing and showering the boys helped me pack away and i went to go meet new girl and lucas. walking to the car i could here lucas laughing as always but also the swe- screatching sound of another, ugh girls laughs, shaking my head i carried on walking to see them both sitting on the tarmac beside my car waiting for me. i unlocked the car and we all hopped in.

 ***** lenas P.O.V *****

driving back in the car with charlie and lucas was kinda akward but funny, luca was telling me storys of how his sisters would put makeup on charlie while he slept and paint his nail, i could hear him chuckle lightly at the memory.

"it wasnt funny lucas, i looked like a fluffy unicorn"

i held back a gigle as lucas told me thtt the girls poured glue on his clothes and pink feathers where scattered across his body.

"your awful quiet you know"

lucas whispered


i looked out the window as the car came to a slow halt. when i steped out the car, i looked at what i didnt expect to find, it wasnt a massive mantion, but not as small house kind of inbetween but it was beautiful.

"come on lenaaaaaaaa"

"alright alright"

i giggled as lucas dragged me towards there house. charlie traling behind us slowly.

well i guess this could be fun .....

***** authors notes *****

i know not very intresting right? i know its just a filler ive kind of got writers block and i hate it.

so yeah thanks for reading ill update soon my little munchkins bye for now

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little_liar_ ooouuuuuuutttttttttttttt for now xoxox

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