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"How can I help you, young man?"

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"How can I help you, young man?"

"Er...I was wondering if you had something know...a a gift?"

"Hmm, let me see. How long have you known her?"

"Ever since I was a child. We were neighbours but then she...moved away. But now she's back and..."

"You seem very fond of her, my child. I don't know about her. But I might have something for you."

"For me?"

"Yes! Where is it? I remember keeping Ah! Found it. Come here, boy. Take this."


"Indeed. It helps to increase confidence. And you would need it if you are going to propose to her."

" did you?"

"There was a time when these eyes were not confined to these four walls, boy. They have seen the world."

"Oh. Thank you, ma'am. How much for this?"

"How much? Nonsense! Spend those cents on some lilacs for her. They symbolise first love."

"Oh. I am indeed very grateful to you."

"And remember. Look into her eyes when you do it. Eye contact is the key."

For confidence was only a fruit
of the purity of our heart at its root.

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