The lights on the car flashed and I knew dad had unlocked it, so I opened the boot and started yanking out the bags we had crammed into there. We had sold all of our furniture, so all we had with us was a few boxes with knick knacks and our clothes. 

I stacked the two boxes that were in there next to the car wheel before unloading the bags. There were 6 in total, as dad had made a trip earlier in the week to bring some of our belongings. I grabbed my two bags and headed inside, passing mum and dad as they went to grab the rest of their belongings. 

 My luggage would have been heavy had I been a human, but I lifted them with ease, swinging them lightly as I skipped to my room. I dropped my bags in the middle of the open floor, swinging my arms around. There was SO much room for activities. I entered the walk-in wardrobe where there were a few other boxes that were filled with clothes and my belongings. I dragged them out into the middle of the floor, before sitting in front of them, getting ready to crack them open. I grew my index nail into a claw before running it down the tape over the box. Returning my finger to normal, i began to rummage through the box, searching for my bathers. 

2 boxes later, I finally closed my hands around the silky material and I let out a whoop of triumph, before running into the walk-in and stripping. I emerged a few minutes later in my yellow polka dot bikini, stumbling a little as I attempted to pull up the black board shorts as I walked. 

I walked through the kitchen, admiring the dark granite benches and the state of the art appliances. The alpha certainly spared no expenses for his Pack. There was a small bathroom under the stairs that you accessed through the kitchen, as well as another door down a short hallway that I was pretty sure led to the garage as well. 

The glass doors to the backyard were opened and I stepped into the sunlight, probably looking like a fool as my face threatened to crack in two. The pool was a brilliant blue, and looked so soothing I couldn't help myself. I sprinted towards the water, leaping of the edge of the pool, using some of my strength to propel myself higher, before flipping and diving into the refreshing water. 

I resurfaced to the sound of clapping and I looked around to see my mother in her own bikini, talking to a woman and man around her age. My father stood next to my mother, clapping with the man, whistling. I pulled myself out of the pool and did a quick bow, before grabbing a towel mum handed to me.

"Nadia, this is Alpha Daniel and Luna Mary." Mum announced, and I shook hands with the alpha pair, smiling as the Luna Mary pulled me into a hug, disregarding the fact I was soaking wet. 

"Please, just call me Mary." Mary said, "Luna Mary takes too long, and sounds so formal." I nodded and laughed, standing next to my father, who wrapped an arm around my shoulders. 

"So how are you enjoying the house?" Alpha Daniel asked me, his eyes twinkling in amusement as he watched his mate try and brush off her wet shirt. I noticed his eyes flashed darker a moment, before he wrapped his arms around Mary and pulled her into him. 

"It's really nice; I've never lived in a house so big before." I told him, I was truthful, even though I noticed that our house wasn’t nearly as big as a few of the other ones around us. 

"That's good. I like my pack members to live comfortably; I find it builds a certain level of respect." He spoke, nodding at me; I smiled back, trying to show just how much I did respect him already. 

"Speaking of pack members, I hereby initiate Nadia Graves, Jacob Graves, and Nina Graves into the Moonbeam pack. Welcome." Daniel said, his alpha voice ringing through our ears. We bowed our head, feeling the power wash over us. Although I was a part of the pack, I still left the walls up. I didn't want to meet people through link; I'd rather meet them through person. 

"We will be having a pack barbeque tomorrow, after school, to welcome you to the neighborhood. I hope you can attend." Mary informed us, smiling as she did. 

"Of course we will be there. What would you like us to bring?" Mum spoke up, and with that, her and Mary linked arms and headed to the kitchen, discussing salads, desserts and meats. 

Dad and Alpha Daniel shook their head at the women, before turning back to me. 

"I'm just going to get back to the pool, if that’s okay?" I asked, I didn't want to seem rude. Alpha Daniel and dad nodded, and I jumped back into the pool.

Shortly after I had jumped in the pool, dad and the Alpha had left, probably going to gush about dad’s car, or the TV. I had hopped out of the pool, and was now laying on a banana lounge, trying to soak up the last rays of sunlight before night hit.  

"Dinner darling." I heard my mother call out, and I sat up in the chair. I was deliberating telling her I wasn't hungry, just so I could stay in the sun when my stomach let out a loud grumble, telling me it didn't want the sun anymore. I folded the banana lounge, and put it away, before walking inside, smelling the delicious scent of my mother’s cooking. I was walking past a plate of cookies that were sitting on the bench when I reached my hand out to grab one. 

"Ouch!" I yelled as I leapt back, my hand now sporting a red mark. 

"They are for the barbeque tomorrow. Do not touch." She warned me, and I snorted, watching as dad received the same red mark and warning. I laughed at him, before running to my room as I was chased by a fire breathing dragon. Dad was reaching out to grab me when I jumped the stairs, sliding of the railing and dashing into my room, still laughing. 

"Damn, that girl got some moves." I heard dad say to my mother and I laughed again, as I changed into my pajamas. I walked back down stairs in my shorts and tank top and sat at the table that was tucked behind the half wall. Mum placed a steaming bowl of spaghetti in front of me, and I beamed at her, tucking into the food. 

"Slow down kid." Dad said, but I noticed he was eating with the same gusto so I rolled my eyes.

After dinner, I headed back up to my room to unpack my boxes. I pulled out my iPod dock, placing it on the desk before plugging in my iPod. I danced as I put things away, actually enjoying myself for the first time in a while.

When I finally collapsed into bed, my room was completed and I felt at home. I snuggled into the warm covers and sighed. This felt right. I would always miss our old home, but this, this felt where I was supposed to be. This felt safe. I fell asleep thinking that maybe living here wouldn't be so bad after all. 

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