The car ride back home was unnerving and not a sound was heard unless it was from the radio.

They approached Neverland gates to find them shut and Faith squints,
"That's weird."

She goes to the pin pad and types in the code. It beeps back to her harsly and she spat,
"The pin isn't working!"

Dee rummages through her purse confused and she says,
"Here's the master key. But I thought we left the gate open?"

"We did." Faith says and she gets out unlocking the massive bronze gates until they swing open. Pulling in, they notice commotion in the distance and she turns down the radio.

Shan looks up from the backseat and she screams,
"You gotta be fucking kidding me!!"
Black Mercedes' were parked all around the cricled off drive way, which surrounded Marisha holding a clipboard barking at movers to haul away piece after piece of Shania's belongings. Men were loading things into U-Hauls and slamming the car hatches closed.

Shania jumped from the car and she angrily trudged over on one crutch,

"That's it!" Faith shot, "I'm calling Janet!"

Dee and Faith shut their doors hurrying to help Shania and Dee mentions over her shoulder,
"I thought she was on vacation with Wissam and Eissa?"

Faith held the phone to her ear with her shoulder and says,
"Well she's about to be interrupted."

Shania struggled up the front steps to her mother and she growled,
"What the fuck is going on?!"
Marisha looks over her clipboard and she says,
"Were moving you out. You're coming home immediately, Shania. No more of this Bed and Breakfast nonsense!"

She turned and instructed to men to move a painting inside the truck and Shania yells in shock,
"I painted that last year for gallery week don't touch that!"

She hops over and begins to pry it from their hands making Dee take over,
"Ms. Zimmarmen you can't do this! We need Shania here!"

She paid Dee no attention and said only half caring against the items on her paper,
"Is that right? Well I'm her mother.."
She clicked her pen cheekily and Dee argued getting angrier.
"She's a grown ass woman!"

"Who's going to stop me?"
Marisha asked with a thumb on her chin devilishly and Dee gave. She knee exactly who could stop and she trudged towards Faith who was hanging up the phone.
"I left Janet like three messages. She's not answering."

Dee pulled her by the arm and headed inside.
"What's going on?" Faith asked and Dee answered,
"We gotta find Michael."

They raced upstairs and they bursted into Michael's room.
"Mike?! Michaaael?!" They called and not a sound was heard.

"It doesnt even feel cold.."

"I don't like this, Dee." Faith said looking around worried and Dee felt the same. She didn't even feel the hair on her neck stand up and she felt her lip quiver. His things looked so dusty instead of kept and polished and even in the entire mansion, things just felt too different. A different that seemed unbearable sithout Michael's presence.

She couldn't live without Michael and now reality was sinking in a little too fast.

They heard a commotion in the hallway and they both rush out hearing Shania's voice.
Joseph was carrying one of her canvases downstairs and she stopped him yelling,
"You're doing this too?! I thought you cared about me!?"

Joseph turned around with his blond locks falling in his face and he said,
"I want what's best for you, Shan. And what's best right now is that you move back to Wisconsin. With us, with me."

The Neverland Inn : One-Shot Collection Where stories live. Discover now