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Slightly angsty..
Evan was wondering around the forest. He walked along a path, looking at all the beautiful things around him. He isn't really allowed to be in the forest by himself since he 'fell' but he did it anyway. He looked at a tall tree. It looked like it was about 50 feet tall. He smiles at the sight. He walked up to the tree and touched the rough bark with his hand. He looked at the grass and dirt around the tree. He felt at peace with himself. He sighs happily. His mom and boyfriend (The insanely awesome Jared Kleinmen) only gave him two rules: 1.) No going to the forest alone. 2.) No climbing trees. The only rule Evan ever broke was the first one but he couldn't help it today. He needed to climb. He stood on his tip toes and grabbed a branch. Using both hands, be pulls himself up. He keeps climbing until he's about 30 feet up. He sat on a branch and looked at everything around him. He felt happy. He felt unbroken. He felt free. But of course, with Evans luck, it didn't get to last long.
My BF ❤️:
Where are you? I went to your house to see you but your mom said you went to my house.
Evan sighs.
Acorn babe:
I was just walking around and I didn't want my mom to worry. That's all.
He shoves his phone in his pocket.

Jared was actually worried so he called Evan. Evan hears his phone, but he Ignores it. He doesn't want his boyfriend come charging into the woods just to make sure Evan won't 'fall' again.
He calls Evan.
Evan hears his phone ring and sighs. He pulls it out and answers. "H-hello?"
"Where are you?!" Jared yells. Birds chirp loudly. "N-nowhere. I-uh-I'm fine." Evan stammers. "Are those birds?" Jared asks, suspension in his voice. "Wha? B-birds? b-bi-birds.." He lies. A frog croaks. "You're in the forest aren't you?" Jared asks. "What? Nooooo. No forest. I'm n-not al-allowed in th-the forest." Evan replies. "I'm on my way." He hangs up on Evan. Evan sighs and looks around again. He takes in all the beauty, knowing that it's probably going to be a while until he can see it again. He looks at the ground below him. He sees all the fallen leaves and the twigs. He leans his head against the tree
and closes his eyes, waiting for Jared.

Jared got into his car. He was scared and angry at the same time. He was scangry?? Yeah lets go with that. He speeds off towards the forest.  His vision was a bit blurry. He parks and runs into the forest. "Evan!?" He shouts. "EVAN!" He sees Evan up in one of the tallest trees. His eyes were closed. "Shit. EVAN HANSEN!!" Evans eyes flutter open. He sees Jared and sighs softly. "GET DOWN HERE!! You're not allowed to be here by yourself!" Jared yells frantically. "I kn-know I know..I'm co-coming. He starts to climb down to Jared. Jared crosses his arms. Evans grip slips and he almost falls. Jared's eyes widen and he runs out to catch him. Evan grabs a different branch and saves himself. Evan finally gets down and he stares at his feet while Jared lectures him. "You can't do that Evan! What if you fell and didn't catch yourself! What if you-what if you let go again.." Jared sighs. Evan nods. "S-sorry..can I make it up to you..?" Evan looks up at Jared. "How?" He asks. "I c-can buy y-you bath bombs.." Evan says. "THE CRONCH!!" Jared screams. They run out of the forest giggling.

Dear Evan Hansen One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें