"However you think you got here, it won't stop me. If I know one thing, it is that your body is where I left it." Valiria spoke slowly and clearly.

"I will make sure to stop you." Again I marveled at Azalea's ability to speak words of ice.

Valirias's smirk only grew, "I'm not stupid sister," she emphasized the word sister, "Wherever you got this body from, it wont last to see the morning.'

Was she right? I had tried to ignore the pain each time Azalea used magic but it had been to strong to do so. Was my human body capable to support hers?

'Don't listen to her Avery.' The whisper startled me and wasn't able to say something before the king spoke.

"What are you doing here?", The kings voice was full of surprise, "I thought you were dead."

"She is interfering like she always does." Valiria snapped.

Not listening to what the black haired witch was saying, the kings eyes were trained on Azalea's.

It was the opportunity that Valiria took to attack. I saw it coming before it happened, out of her hands came lightning bolts directly aimed at the king and Azalea.

Azalea flew backwards along with the king but in different direction, apart from each other. I would have moaned at the pain if I could have for lack of breath to make a stronger sound.

Before she had time to regain her posture and let's not even talk about myself, Valiria sent another bolt towards both of us, but this time Azalea had time to block it halfway with a wall of air and the impact was less vigorous.

Nonetheless I was still wheezing and feeling the pain as if it was my own.

As Azalea prepared to attack back the other witch was suddenly gone, seemingly having vanished from the fighting scene.

'Where is she?' I asked trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my chest or anyways what felt like my chest.

Terrified screams ripped through the air along with the sound and smell of burning flesh. Azalea swiveled around and I saw how a dozen of the kings vampires were consumed by fire.

'Right there she is.' As Azalea spoke the words, I felt how the elements where swirling in her body anticipating to be used.

Before I had time to prepare myself for the force that was going to be used, I felt how the energy coursed out of Azalea's body in form of a fire wall that was sent hurdling towards a group of Valiria's vampires; immediately the screaming began and I shuddered.

With that, the two forces began their attack again. For some reason I cringed much harder when I saw one of King Lathan's people hit the ground then from Valiria's.

I didn't know why because king Lathan was majorly responsible for my misery, and Valiria well she had not done anything to me personally, so why should I care?

Suddenly a dark nothing flashed before my eyes and I realized I knew what it was, I had seen it before, it was the Prince.

I gasped as I saw a pair of red eyes and gleaming fangs flashing towards Azalea's neck but the head was ripped away from its body faster then I could blink, it was the prince's doing. His trademark devilish smirk he sent to his mother reached into the tip of my toes.

It was weird how I felt things in my own body but Azalea didn't seem to feel it.

My thoughts went away after I saw the beheaded body tumbling towards the ground; bile threatened to rise and form a knot in my throat. Quickly I looked away and wondered if Azalea had seen many headless bodies before because she seemed not to mind at all.

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