1K ~ "Deleted" scenes ~ The Lost Video Logs, pt 2

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Ah, screw it. I'm posting this today, because I want to.


Part two of the lost video logs!


Log 40

(It's Jeff who turns on the camera, and he's significantly less frazzled this time. He still looks rather exhausted, though. He gives the progress report, then pauses.)

"... Everything with the machine is going nicely, but they just won't stop with the pranks! I almost got my whiskers burned off yesterday!"

(In the background, Sans and Gaster move out onto one of the higher beams of the framework for the machine. He and Sans both are equipped with a long metal rod, and they're using them to mock swordfight, all while balancing on the machine. Gaster looks very dramatic in his long black coat.)

(Jeff continues.)

"And yesterday, Alphys got a bucket of freezing water dumped on her head! She's cold blooded, and that could have been potentially dangerous for her!"

(It appears that Gaster has the upper hand in the mock swordfight.)

"I'm not sure how much longer we can last like this!"

(The pair of skeletons scuffle a little more, but evidently, Gaster has more experience in using metal rods as swords to fight while standing on the scaffolding of a large machine. He whacks Sans' rod out of his hands, and Sans starts to wobble.)

(Jeff sighs, slumping against the desk.)

"At least work is going quickly."

(Sans falls off the scaffolding with a shout, at which Gaster lifts his hands triumphantly in the air with a victory shout. This, though, upsets his own balance, which sends him falling down, too.)

(Jeff just glances back, then turns towards the camera again with a sigh.)

Log 43

(Sans is seated at the desk, but he's slumped over the desk, skull in the crook of his arm. He looks exhausted and desperate. When he speaks, his voice is haggard and on the verge of cracking.)

"we can't make any more progress. all work's been halted- and-... and a tragedy's---... a tragedy's occurred."

(He leans towards the camera slightly, lifting an empty mug.)

"we've run out of coffee! this is the stuff we've been living on since the beginning of this project, and even our careful rationing couldn't make it last to the end! how are we supposed to stay up all night working on the machine now? i- I just don't think- i can make it--"

(He lifts a hand to claw at his chest, peering off dramatically into the distance.)

"i-- i'm not-- long for this world-- tell-- tell my wife and kids i love them!"

(With a strange choked gurgling noise, Sans slumps sideways, sliding off the chair. There's a muffled thud as he hits the ground. For a full five minutes, there's no motion onscreen.)

(Then Gaster walks over, peering down at where Sans is presumably lying beneath the desk. He looks... vaguely bemused.)

"... I'm... not even going to ask why you're on the floor."

(A pause.)

"Anyway, Jeff is heading to the store. Want anything?"

"nah, i'm good."

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