1K Follower Special ~ "Deleted" Scenes ~ The Lost Video Logs, pt 1

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Anyway, it was voted (by a MASSIVE landslide) that I share some of the "deleted" scenes for my books. These are things that either didn't fit with the story because of plot reasons, I came up with something different to go there instead, I just couldn't manage to work into the story, or I just forgot about.

This first one is the first part of "The Lost Video Logs". It takes place during The Time Before. I had this idea that, what if, while building the folding machine, Gaster kept a video log of the progress on it? This never made it into the book because of formatting issues, and I felt lots of important details would be left out if I did this instead of the actual story. Still, it was a fun idea, and I wrote it anyway.

So, without further ado, here's the first half of The Lost Video Logs!


Log 1

(Gaster onscreen. Camera is slightly offset, so he's on the left side.)

"Your majesty, for your benefit, rather than providing you with a monthly report, I will be recording this project's progress through these video logs. With any luck, this will make things a little easier for you.

"Regardless, for lack of a better name, this is the Folding project. We're here in Waterfall for a variety of reasons,

(Gaster leaned back in his seat and continued to explain the project. In the background to the right, Sans stuck his head onscreen, grinned, and waved. Then he disappeared. Moments later, he slipped back onscreen, pulling another monster with him. They talked for a moment, their voices inaudible to the camera. Then the other scientist turned towards the camera and made a funny face.)

(They continued like this for some time, pulling a couple more monsters into the joke. Only seconds before Gaster finished his explanation and turned off the camera, they all scrambled away to appear like they had been working, not making Gaster look ridiculous.)

Log 2

(Gaster leaned back in his seat after adjusting the camera, folding his hands across the desktop.)

"This marks log entry two of the Folding Project. Currently, things are proceeding on schedule. That said, we never actually had a planned schedule, so just about anything is "on schedule." Regardless, the plans for the aqueducts are proceeding, and we should be able to begin construction within a week or so."

(As Gaster continued describing the aqueduct plans, Sans pushed one of those whiteboards in wheels, the kind with two sides, into view behind the camera. Using a blue dry-erase marker, he began to draw on the board. In the span of a few seconds, he had drawn what appeared to be a tv news station set, with Gaster unknowingly posing as the news anchor.)

(Right about then, Gaster started to turn around. Before he saw the whiteboard, Sans quickly flipped it over, revealing the other side to have a rather complex design for the aqueducts.)

"Sans, what in earth are you doing?"

"i'm just providin' visual aid, dings. it'll make things easier to understand."

(Gaster frowned a little, but, rolling his eyes, he turned back to the camera and continued his explanation. Behind him, Sans flipped the whiteboard back over and continued drawing, giving the news set the headline "BREAKING NEWS: ROYAL SCIENTIST POSSESSES OVERSIZED EGO")

(Gaster turned around again, too fast for Sans to flip the board over.)

"HA! I knew you weren't-... 'oversized ego', Sans? I have an 'oversized ego'?!"

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