1K Follower Special ~ "Deleted" Scenes ~ The Lost Video Logs, pt 1

Start from the beginning

(Sans turned and ran. Gaster lunged out of his seat to follow, roaring in Hands, knocking over the camera in the process. It hit the ground, and went black.)

Log 7

(Gaster is once again in the seat at the desk. Behind him, some base framework for the aqueducts is spread across the Waterfall room. Gaster has a mug filled with a dark liquid.)

"This marks log entry seven of the Folding Project. We've successfully gotten most of the base framework for the aqueducts up, and, numerous times, proven that they are completely capable of flooding the room in a moment's notice. Sometimes not even at a moment's notice, but entirely random, thoroughly dousing everyone in the room. We've all learned to keep a few changes of dry clothes nearby, or else just go to Hotland and let the heat evaporate much of the water."

(He lifts the mug to his mouth and tilts it back slightly, then lowers it and sets it on the side of the desk.)

"For the most part, it's simply a matter of properly sealing the aqueducts and... Oh, hello, Sans."

(Sans enters the screen from the right, and reaches for the mug.)

"hey, dings, what's up today?"

(Sans lifts the mug to his mouth, and begins to drink. Gaster grins.)

"Well, for one thing, that is not coffee, it is motor oil, and I would recommend not actually drinking it."

(Sans starts coughing and gagging, spitting out a mouthful of black oil. He drops the mug, which Gaster catches with a summoned hand.)

"Now then, Sans, unless you would like to be besieged with numerous pranks of a similar manner, I suggest you stop playing these foolish games."

(Wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his lab coat, Sans just laughs, shaking his head and walking away. Gaster watches him go, before turning back to the camera, setting the mug back on the desk.)

"What was I saying? Ah, right. The aqueducts. It is simply a matter of properly sealing them before allowing the entry channels to open. Thus, we will not all be getting soaked without good reason. Anyway, this marks log number seven for the Folding Project."

(Gaster reaches up and turns off the camera.)

Log 12

(It's Sans who adjusts the camera, not Gaster, and Sans who leans back in the desk chair, looking rather self-satisfied. When he spoke, it was in a rather accurate imitation of Gaster.)

"this marks entry number twelve of the folding project. all the aqueducts are going to be torn down and the plans scrapped. also, dr. gaster is quitting as royal scientist and giving up his ego, and jeff is taking his place. this marks a critical turning point for the folding team, as jeff is considerably less pompous and self-centered, so maybe some real work will actually be done for once-"

(There's a shout in the background, startling Sans. Gaster does not sound happy.)


"nothing, dings! i'm just providing an update on-"

(Gaster stalks onscreen, looking irritable.)

"Sans, I turned off the camera literally less than ten minutes ago. There is nothing that has happened to cause the need for this."

(He gestures to the camera. Sans just laughs.)

"yeah. okay. i guess you can turn it off."

(With an irritable sigh, Gaster turns off the camera.)

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