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Okay hi I'm  Paisley Turner and today is my twenty first birthday.I know most people out having fun but I actually wasn't feeling  to good today but my cousin Drea dragged me and filled me up with cold medicine and made me go party with her ass and here we are bopping our heads to some music I never heard of at this club called Plug.

"Girl this music banging.You see all these fine niggas?"

I just nod my head and then turn to look at what she calling fine and grimace.. I know she lying!!!

"Bitch you like ugly niggas because I'm not.........

My eyes bugle out my head when I see the one and only DeVante Swing mingling with people..

You see I was a big fan of thier music and plus he was my favorite out the group.

I watch him laugh and give a few people dap and then our eyes lock and he walks over to me.

"Yeah I saw you eyeballing me over there like im a tasty snack or something. Im definitely checking for you since you got my attention!"

I laugh and feel my stomach flip flop and I felt like i was going to throw up.Wow the hottest song writer and producer and member of Jodeci was talking to me and here I was woozy and about to hurl chunks.

"I wasn't eyeballing you I happen to look over and saw you standing right there!"

"Yeah I saw you eyeballing me.Your eyes did this!"

He mimics what I did and I laugh and so does Drea. Damn I forgot all about her..

Drea turns in her seat and then drunkly  blurts out.

"My cousin loves the ground you walk on.When she was younger she would masturbate to your posters!"

I stop laughing and don't even look at DeVante who is staring straight at me and plus I knew my face was red. I love Drea but she never could hold her liquor..

"Well I'm here in the flesh you can take a bite amd maybe later you can demonstrate what your friend was talking about since Im here in the flesh and I definitely bite!"

He gets so close to me I can feel his breath and something poke my back and then he moves away suddenly..

"I came here to wrap up some business because me and Jodeci will be singing here in two days how about you give me your information so we can keep in touch."

Once again before I can talk Drea speaks up.


He gets out his cell phone and puts it inside.

"I gotta go but I couldn't leave seeing your eyes nearly fell out your head and me not say nothing."

"I'm Paisley by the way."

"Well I'm DeVante in case you ain't know!"

I smile.

"Well nice to meet you."

I stick out my hand and he smiles while lightly rubbing my hand.

"Oh the pleasure is all mines!"

"Damn!" Drea loud ass mouth was all by my ear.

We watch DeVante greet a few more people and then he leaves.

"Omg DeVante Swing talked to my best cousin  on her birthday! You are a lucky chick forreal!"

I smile and bounce around not feeling sick anymore.

"Okay those cold medicine thingys you have me kicked in I feel better now!"

"Good but only thing you can't drink because they are pms!"

"What! I'm be sleepy then!"

Drea rubs her hair and shruggs.

"We can leave and then watch movies at my house."

I smile and then get up and thats when I bump into someone so hard I fall to the ground..

"My fault little lady I wasn't watching where I was going!"

I let the man help me up from the ground and when I see his face I nearly shit my pants.

"Dino! H-town! Wow. Twice.....

I start really thinking I'm dreaming because both of this singer's were my favorites and I see them on my birthday..

Drea drunkly walks to me and points to some dude whose helping her up out her chair.

"This is Grayson and he works with us remember."

Grayson smiles at me and I remember he does work with us. She hugs me and they ask do they want them to walk me to my car.

Dino answers for me.

"Ima keep her safe." Drea looks at me and I nod and she wishes me farewell.

"So I'm sorry I'm bumped into you I wasn't.....

"Paying attention so can you walk me to my car and then give me your number please!"

"Bossy and polite. I was going to give you my number anyways."

He lets me go first and I walk ahead and I know he staring at my butt.I turn around and he almost bumps into me.
Yep I was right.I chuckle to myself and keep walking.
Once to my car Dino opens the door for me.
"So I know we just meeting but can I get a hug?"
I hug him and he gives me a friendly PG hug and I smile.He was a good boy and DeVante was a bad boy. The slut in me itches real bad.I could have a good boy and a bad boy..

Me and Dino exchange numbers and he stands there until I'm in the street driving safely home.Hmmmm I could use this to my advantage. When I arrive to my house I  slip my shoes off and strip naked and take a shower ,dry off and fall on my bed ,head on the pillows but not before calling Drea who is at home also.

"Girl I thought you were with Grayson!"

A crazy laugh erupts from the other end.

"Grayson is fucking gay gurl.I tried to kiss him and he admitted it."

I burst into a fit of giggles and then gossip about work and life. Drea was the only female I trusted and aside from being cousins she was my best friend.

"Girl so you going to fuck Dino and DeVante?You a freak in the mean time ima try to get Grayson to change his mind.You are above my level girl forreal!"

"Watch me work but call me tomorrow as for Grayson move on bitch!"

We laugh and I hang up and turn my lamp off..



"Paisley I wanted you to know that your on my mind and hahaha it's me girl guess what?"

I open my eyes and see the time.

"Drea it's 3 in the morning."

"Okay I'm on my way to Grayson house I laced his blunt with something special so I will be calling you later tonight okay!"


She laughes real loud.

"Girl I'm playing but forreal open your door I'm outside!"

I get out my bed and put my cell phone on the bed and look out the window and see Drea smiling and holding two cases of beer.

I walk to my door open the door and Drea who is in a Elmo onsie smiling.

"Okay are you grabbing this damn beer at we drinking out here?"

I smile and let her in..
We party till later that afternoon and then we finally crash..Before I go to sleep I hug her and throw her a cover to sleep on the couch which was huge by the way.

I crash in my bed and thank God I got lucky with my two man candies who I got to speak to on my birthday......

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