Our Paths Crossed

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My journey through life has put me on many paths

Some well lit by the light

Some dark and dreary

Some treacherous and mined with dangerous pitfalls

Every path that I chose were important on my journey

Our paths have crossed

On first crossing I didn't know you

Nor you I

At times I was standoffish and aloof

As were you at times

At times I was helpful and caring

As were you

At times I was lost and afraid

As were you

But it was no mistake our paths crossing when and where they crossed

We were set upon our paths for specific purposes

Sometimes to lead

Sometimes to follow

Sometimes just to keep us from being alone

I looked back at my individual paths

I noticed that there were times when had I not actually traveled my path I may not be here now

There are pints there that I recognize as mine

There are also other prints on the paths that I traveled

I noticed that my prints are also absent on my path at times

Our paths crossed for a reason

I realize that now

They may even cross again

Will you recognize me if they do???

    Our Paths Crossed©

September 2017    poems       thoughts     life stories Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя