Bored at Home

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First Part! Enjoy Bored at Home, and make sure you comment! I'm going to have a Prank Part and a Annoying People Part coming later in the book, so stay tuned!


1. Put ice in your siblings/parents clothes and down their backs. (Works best if it's cold)

2. Leave dirty underwear in the strangest places. (microwave, dishwasher, tv, table, cutlery draws, school bags, etc.)

3. If you have a dog shake their mat into your family's beds. (The hairs feel like ants)

4. Poke everyone.

5. Glad wrap the toilets. (Warning, you may have to clean up da mess lols)

6. Sing terribly and loud in your room with the door open.

7. Steal all the phone/iPad/iPod chargers and set up a charge base in you room.

8. Make a delicious dinner for yourself but nobody else.

9. Place dog food on someone's leg while sitting at the table. (The dogs eat it off carefully, but they leave slobber and spit everywhere!)

10. Laugh loudly at random times.

11. Have a massive coughing fit and sneeze all over everything, including people.

12. Point and laugh like a five year old at everything that sexual.

13. Say that's what she said and make everything dirty and awkward after someone says something. (Examples: "Why is it so firm?" "That's what she said"^_^ "Put it in

already." "That's what she said." :P "It's so big and round." "That's what she said.")

14. Find a instrument and play it really loud and bad. (Works best with a recorder or clarinet)

15. Bang into all the walls and furniture, pretending to be blind.

16. Climb up something and make bird noises.

17. Have a one man rave party in your room.

18. Dance instead of walking around the house.

19. Make carpet angels and spin around while people are watching TV.

20. Make up a strange language and talk to people in it and then laugh.

21. Sing instead of talking.

22. Annoy people by turning off the Wi-Fi.

23. Annoy people.

24. Prank People.

25. The boring methods: watch TV, read, play sport and go on your I-Phone/I-Pad/I-Pod or Computer or electronic device.

26. Sit on the toilet for half-an-hour.

27. Talk to yourself in third-person

28. Be a spy (like my hair? £:) hehe)

29. Film a parkour video

30. Don't be a loner

31. Steal all the toilet paper and watch people squirm!

32. Eat.

33. Drink tea.

34. Make random faces in the mirror. (Hella amusing, u gotta try it ;) lols)

35. Make up songs and sing them.

36. Copy everything your dog does. (Except for the toilet part xD)

37. Make vines. (It's really fun)

38. SnapChat people. (Look out for the dick picks, they can be ugly)

39. Learn accents. (Irish, Scottish, Italian, New Zealand, Australian <- that's where I'm from!)

40. Sleep on the floor, or bed, whichever you prefer.

41. Go to a friends house.

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