Chapter Twenty

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Just as he promised, he knew exactly where to bring Milo to find the Black Tulips, it had been one of his earliest discoveries when he was a boy venturing into the forest. He was thankful to share the opportunity with Milo, although the boy seemed quite distracted as he continued to look over his shoulder. For a boy that picked up basilisk skins and grew excited about other massive beasties, Newt had a hard time believing that the child was spooked by a dog. 

"Something else on your mind?" Newt ventured to ask him as they walked along, the forest grew darker and darker. 

Milo immediately turned his gaze to him and shook his head. "N-no, Sir."

"Milo, you don't have to call me Sir, you can call me Newt."

"I can?!"

Newt was fearful that the boy was going to start crying and hug him again, but Milo seemed to internalise his joy, as he whispered to the bowtruckle in his hair. However, Newt leaned in closer as he noted that Milo was not speaking English. 

"Are...are you speaking bowtruckle?" Newt asked with a bewildered look, bringing the conversation between the other two to an abrupt end. Paden let out a shrill chirp before disappearing, making Milo smile.

"I only speak a little of it. I figured since I was teaching Paden how to write that he could help me speak a little bowtruckle. It seemed like a fair trade to me. I've been trying to broaden my languages past River Troll over the years. Mermish seems to be the most difficult to master, I can't seem to get down the whistly pitch. I also have never really been able to whistle."

"Me neither!" Newt nearly blurted out, whenever he had told people int he past that it was difficult for him to whistle, they looked at him in disbelief. He could make some bird calls but whistling naturally was a challenge in itself. 

Newt couldn't help but laugh, wishing that Milo had been around when he was a boy, they would have made good friends.

"And you're in Hufflepuff, correct?" Newt asked him.

"Yes, Si...yes."

The man only nodded his head but didn't say anything else on the topic. Eventually, the two came upon the black tulips that Newt collected a few for Milo to bring back. He told him that if anyone asked that he could just tell them that Newt Scamander himself had been the one to pick the flowers for him. Milo readily agreed as he took the flowers but definitely made sure to note the area to make sure he knew how to get there when he returned to the forest on his own to collect the dew.

Newt couldn't stay for much longer that day, claiming that he had to get home to his wife and family that were expecting him. But he did tell the boy that he would be back for a visit, sooner rather than later. But before he left to head to Hogsmeade village, the man called to Milo once more.

The boy turned with the flowers in his hand with a curious look.

"Do you have any plans for the summer yet?" Newt asked him. Milo thought about it for a moment. His mother would more than likely be working in the castle with the other professors for most of the summer, he could work with Rosmerta again, Harry more than likely was not going to be spending time with him anytime soon, along with Cedric. He quickly shook his head in response.

"How does an internship sound?"

Milo could have easily fainted right then and there at the proposition that Newt gave him. When he didn't answer, Newt glanced down at his watch for a moment with a smile.

"How about you think about it and we'll talk about it more when I'm on the castle grounds. Good day, Milo Potter."


Cloud nine couldn't even get on Milo's level that evening as he returned to the castle. The dementors could shower him with kisses and they probably wouldn't have even made the slightest of dents in his mood as he walked inside with a bright smile on his face. Paden peered out from the boy's hair and saw the pleasant look that was permanently etched on his owner's face. Paden wasn't the only one who took notice as Katie, Alicia, and Angelina noticed Milo practically waltzing down the corridor, bringing amused grins to their face.

"Goodness, you look like you're in a good mood, it's so nice to see that smile back on your face," Katie told him. 

Milo didn't say anything but presented the girls with the black tulips before continuing on his way. He made his way back to the Hufflepuff Common Room, happily humming to himself and making his way to the boys dorm. He entered the room, hoping to find some water for the remaining flowers, but he paused when he found something sitting on the end of his bed. Well, two things actually.

One of the items appeared to be a small parcel, the wrapping wasn't that great and the bow was made out of string, making it droop but Milo wasn't really one to care about that. He was just curious as to who had left it for him considering it wasn't anywhere near his birthday or Christmas for that matter. Opening it up, Milo nearly dropped the boy as he gasped and noticed it was a Hufflepuff scarf. Normally, that wouldn't get anyone so easily worked up, considering all the students had their own house scarf. But attached to this specific scarf was a pin that read "Beast Division."

There was a little card tucked at the bottom of the box. 


Otherwise known as Newt Artemis Fido Scamander. 

"Merlin's beard," Milo muttered, " the man is trying to kill me with happiness, isn't he?" He picked up the silver Beast Division pin and moved it around in his fingers with a delighted look as he gave it an inspection. Paden climbed out from the boy's hair to observe as well, certainly attracted to the shiny object in his hand. He wrapped himself around Milo's hand and attempted to bite the pin, only to realise that it was much too hard.

Milo chuckled. "It's not food, Paden. Didn't you eat enough while we were in the forest?"

Paden chirped harshly at him, hoping that Milo wasn't insinuating that he was fat. Nothing else was said as Milo grabbed the envelope that had been resting near the parcel, wondering if it was a letter to accompany the scarf and pin. However, the handwriting that spelt out his name didn't look like it belonged to Newt. They had exchanged enough letters for Milo to recognise the handwriting, the problem was, Milo still recognised it. 

Pressing his lips together, he didn't open the envelope right away and Paden had to question why.

"It's from Cedric," Milo told the bowtruckle before he finally opened it and pulled the small note out. Cedric was hoping to talk to him in private down in the common room and seeing as the letter was delivered earlier, Milo only had about fifteen minutes before he either agreed to meet up with the boy or left him hanging. Suddenly, his cheery mood from earlier disappeared. He completely forgot to get water for the black tulips as he sat on the edge of his bed, debating on what he wanted to do. 

Milo couldn't deny that he truly missed talking to Cedric on a regular basis and he missed being in his company with no one else around. He missed laughing with Cedric or having the boy listen to his silly rambling. Newt had said that it was always best to find someone to put up their rambling and while it had taken Newt well into his adulthood, Milo had already found someone who didn't find it bothersome. However, he didn't regret telling Cedric that he deserved respect and he still believed that wholeheartedly. 

He was afraid that Cedric was going to lure him right back in, have them meet up secretly, and pretend that everything was fine, but Milo didn't want to pretend anymore. He wanted Cedric to be happy but he wanted to be happy too and he wasn't going to be happy if he just had to keep hiding all of that. He had enough secrets weighing him down but that was by his own doing. 

Time seemed to move faster as he had to make a decision of whether to head to the common room. When time was up, Milo sat on his bed for a moment before pushing himself up. He glanced in the direction of the doorway before he collected the black tulips from his bed. 

"I need to get these in water."

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