"Watch your tongue dear brother" I say walking over to Kagami, He smiles. My brother looks happy, Thats all I want.

"Right class" The fight teacher says calling the other teacher over he then stars to speak

"In this case" He lifts up the case "are level 5 demons, we would go higher but this IS your first time fighting a demon" I smile to myself, not my first time "We know some of you will find this easy but we want to see how well you work with others"

"So what demons are we fighting" Asks Kagami 

"They are known as the Scolore a low level breed of demon. That's all I'll say as their ability changes based on opponents"

"Well, You all have pairs now so come and pick a number. " The fight teacher says, Kagami walks over, as hes gone my brother turns to me 

"Level 5 huh?" He says, I smile

"So hard" I say sarcastically. Kagami walks back up with a piece of paper in his hands, the paper has the number 1 on it. I sigh, just great.

'Are we going to be okay? You've never used this magic on demons, you've always used the magic I granted you' The shadow says

'We'll be fine, We have Kagami' I say back, I then stop walking 'Why am I relying on him?'

'Don't worry about that yet' 

"Kuroko you okay?" Kagami asks staring at me 

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" I say realising I stopped for too long "Just lost in thought" Kagami nods and we start walking. I hate this, why am I relying on him? On anyone. I can trust no one, People betray you. People you care about. You lose. 

"Well then, lets go" Kagami says, The teacher isn't picking numbers hes just going on the order, since we have 1 we go first.  We take our place in the ring with the sphere surrounding us. The teacher grabs a sphere from his case placing one in the centre, opposite us. 

"Ill add another if I feel the need" He says as he leaves. Kagami steps in front of me, Is he trying to protect me? Please. The teacher clicks his finger and the small sphere in the centre glows with a dull red light then a blast of energy, I cover my eyes and when I look at the creature before me, I see a Medium size creature, red skinned and with Pitch black eyes, hunched over with wings. Staring at me, those cold eyes piercing through me. I sigh and look away, this seems to have angered it as it screeches and sends forward a blast of red energy. It hits me and sends me flying back, I gasp as I lose the air in my lungs. It burns like hell. I stand up, Kagami looks at me, It screeches again and turns towards Kagami. I push my hands together and creates a blue sphere round Kagami. The energy the creature produced bounces off and dissipates. The creature turns to me and snarls, I keep my gaze on it, its eyes staring back at mine. I step forward, it stays still. I stand next to Kagami, the room is quiet even the spectators are shocked. This is a level 5 huh? "What are you doing?" He asks, I drop the sphere around Kagami, "Shh" I say back "I'm testing something" I say, He looks at me. 

"Oh" He says getting it, 

"Whatever you do, when I take my eyes off it, keep yours locked on no matter how difficult it may feel" I say to him, I see him nod from the corner of my eye. I start to walk away from Kagami, keeping my eyes locked onto the creature. Once I like the distance I created between Kagami and me. I take a deep breath then, Look back at Kagami, Taking my eyes off the creature, It squeals and sends another bolt of energy towards me, Once again it hit and send me flying, I hit the edge of the ring sliding down, keeping silent. My brother bends down "You're crazy" He says. I look over at Kagami who is now the one having a staring competition with the demon. I Push myself off the floor. I smile "I'm done" My brother looks confused. I step forward, Kagami looks unnerved. I look at my chest were the bolts hit me, The clothes seem fine, the heat though, that hurts. I step forward "Oi Attention whore" I yell, my brother laughs at the insult the creature looks at me. I step forward once again, keeping my eyes onto it reading it, then I get it, I finally understand. I stop when I'm arms length away. "Kuroko" Kagami warns

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