Twenty fifth~ Need you to be mine

Start from the beginning

"Yeah he's pretty bad. Otto is chill though, I don't know how he does that."

"Wait, where are we?" I asked him as my eyebrows furrowed.

"Umm you'll see."

"You'll see?" I chuckled in a sarcastic manner. "What's so secretive about the place we're gonna hike ?" I laughed aloud.

"You would never know, I might be about to murder you." He said it in a creepy manner, narrowing his eyes while looking at me.

"Stop it." I laughed nervously. "It's not funny."

"Wait did you actually get scared?" He was very amused to be honest. Damn it.

"No? Of course not." Another nervous laugh escaped my lips. He gave me a i-don't-buy-it look.

"Fine. Just a bit." My voice was low. " And it's" all because of you guys. You made me watch so many horror movies. They give me chills." I pointed my finger at him. He was the blame.

"Besides why'd you guys decided to do this this late? It's almost 8 and I'm hungry." I rubbed my belly.

"You talk too much." He rolled his eyes.

"Dude, you chose to go with me in the same car." I exclaimed, taking the full offence gladly.

He covered his right ear with his hand that he didn't use driving the car.

"Too high." He scrunched up his face.

I folded my arms over my chest and sank in my seat as i pouted.

After a minute or two the car stopped.

"We're here."

Geoff announced.

"God damn, even the sun went down." I murmured to myself.

"I know, that's the point." He stated.

"What point there could be? We're just gonna do some hiking god damn." I grumbled.

"Someone's very moody today." Geoff noted.

"How detective of you." Sarcasm filled my voice.

"Okay let's get out." Geoff said as he opened the car and got out.

With sigh I did too.

But when I glanced around...

It was one of the best views I've ever seen in my life. There was a cliff what held the best view of Houston. Aside from that the sun was setting behind the big tall buildings of the city. The sun painted the whole sky burnt orange.

What left me shook was what was done potentially by Geoff. Near the cliff there was a table and two gas lamps hung on a pole, giving the whole thing a vintage look. The pole were either sides of the table. The table was decorated with roses candles and some other things that people use for decoration. There were two plates too, giving me the clue that this was only for two people, not the whole gang. I'm brilliant, I know.

In two words this was "breath taking".

"What the-" I looked at Geoff. "I'm sorry." I chuckled nervously.

"Umm... What's going on?" I asked in confusing. "Who is this for? And where are the guys?" I rambled on.

"It's for you silly." Geoff smiled.

"Me?" I chuckled again. Okay someone stop me.

"Yeah." Geoff nodded his head.

I decided not to make my self further of a fool so I brought myself together.

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