Yukine x Shinki! Reader [Noragami]

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Sunshine <- le title


"Have mercy any weather gods that are listening to me right now and stop.this.*censored*.rain."

(Name) huffed in annoyance.

She needed to get going to Kofuku's shop. She needed to meet up with Yukine. They planned a date already! But of course, it just had to be storming outside.

(Name) was stuck under a small bus stop, not much sheltering her from the heavy rain that evening.

As a regalia, it's very annoying to know that she could still get sick.. Considering the fact that she's dead. Life just wasn't fair.

She sighed again. Sad (eye colour) optics stared up at the once vibrant blue, now pitch black sky. She was thinking of how dissapointed Yukine must be by now. Her boyfriend for almost a year would be assuming that she stood him up. Being Bishamon's regalia was hard enough.

It put quite a lot of pressure on the regalias' relationship back when Yato was Bishamon's nemesis. But after the two war gods cleared everything up, all was well.

They have the occasional fights now and then, especially with Yato calling her 'Crazy Chick', but nothing too serious.

The (hair colour) girl was considering of making a run for it but before she even took a step outside, an umbrella was held above her head.


She couldn't believe it. There he was.

Familiar sunset eyes stared into her own.


"The one and only." He grinned.

(Name) stood there confused.

"Wait. Why are you here?! Did you inform Yato-san?!! He would be very wor-!"

"Don't call him Yato-san. It sounds wrong."

His annoyed tone made you laugh.

"Fine. But isn't Yato going to be worried?" You questioned again.

"Nah," Yukine dropped the umbrella before taking your hand in his, gesturing you to sit back down.

"I told him I'm going out with you. I think he's notified." He smiled.


"ACK!!!" Yato yelped. He clutched the nape of his neck.


Yato fell down. Hiyori picked up her shoe and glared at Yato.

"Hush. You will not bother the young love."


You giggled as you noticed that Yukine's face contorted into a funny one.

"You lied. Did you sting him?" You suppressed a smile.

He rolled his eyes, pouting a little. "Not like I care even if I did."

"But you secretly do." You poked his puffed out cheek.

He caught your hand and kissed it.

"Yea. But I care for you more."

You smiled and blushed at him, pecking his cheek.

"Love you too Sunshine."


that's all for the first one! I might upload another tomorrow if I'm not busy. But for now, hope you enjoyed it and see y'all later! Goodnight!!!

Note-> this was written at 01:32 and Author-chan is sleepy.

Anime X Reader One Shots! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang