Chapter 10: Aliens and a vampire and the beach

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We go to the scarecrow by the academy bus stop to see Ben leaning against the tree, he scratched his head as he pondered a bit.

The hero was still a little frazzled from his last adventure, ever since that weird transformation he used during that encounter with the slug monster he's been getting weird feelings every now and again. And he's been hearing a voice in the back of his head at night which was bothering him.

Kurumu had told Moka about their encounter and about his new power, to which shocked Inner Moka. She then told them that the power, strength and appearance Ben displayed that night were similar to Moka's variation of vampire. Made sense to, Ben's new form had fangs like a vampire, his hair from the end up had became white like Moka's whenever her real self had made itself known. Even his eyes became red like her's whenever she transformed.

The succubus then asked if it was possible for him to become a vampire from Moka biting him so much. It did make sense though since it was true that the vampire had repeatedly bitten him several times. Not even she denied the possibility, though her inner self told both of them to leave it be, at least until it becomes something uncontrollable.

Back on topic on why he's here, Ben was waiting for the girls and Ms. Nekonome, reason being was that they were going on a field trip to the human world. Since summer break was already around the corner Gina thought it would be fun to go and have some beach fun. Everyone agreed with her, additionally they also voted to keep a blindfold on her whenever they wore bathing suits.

Ben scratched a part of his neck where Moka bit him once as the others finally arrived "hey Ben!" They greeted "hey girls. Hey where'd Gina?" Ben asked noticing the werewolf wasn't present. "Oh Gina was about to come with us... but she was kidnapped by the student body and was asked to attend a meeting with the school's other club presidents" Miss Nekonome explained in her usual upbeat nature.

"She should be joining us later after the meeting is over" at the same time we see Gina sitting at a table between multiple club presidents looking very much like the Life was sucked out of here. 'Someone please save me... please let this meeting be over already....' she thought.

"Anyway time to go to the human world, be sure to have as much fun as possible! But remember not to use your powers or abilities or reveal your monster forms" the instructor said as everyone agreed before loading onto the bus. As the began to drive away the driver struck a conversation "so Tennyson, heard about your monster form on the news, as well as you getting into quite the few fights since enrolling. Both with teachers and students" he spoke.

Surprising him "Uh how'd you know that?" Ben asked, "kid, nothing's at Yokai Academy's secret, heh my favorite was the one with you and that Gorgon. Reminded me of an old story from Greece" the driver answered. "Mine was with Nagare, really appreciated that believe me" Kurumu said. "Mine was with the mermaids" Moka added, then Inner Moka spoke, though only her outer self could here it. "If we are being honest, I personally enjoyed our first encounter with that orc" she admitted making her outer self giggle.

"The battle with that love love alliance" Flare spoke up "Mr. Kobotsu" Mizore added. "Mine was with those lizard jerks" Yukari said, "What about your favorite battle Ben?" Moka asked curiously. The male scratched his head "I think my favorite would have of be with with the love love alliance and Ishigami. It was a challenge taking on three baddies at once, not to mention I was almost turned to stone. But in both battles I gained something out of it" Ben answered "what?" They asked, "well we met Flare for one" he noted making the dragon girl blush, "and I gained a new Super form" he adds commenting on Omni's Omni enhanced form.

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