Chapter 1

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A/N howdy there! So, I'm slightly obsessed with the one above ^... So I figured I'd write a story cause I really can't find any detailed... Slow-easing pennywise x readers out there. So if you want detail, not rushed in, evil pennywise, this is for you ;) 

Update - Please join my new and perm/ discord -

(Y/N) Pov

The rain poured down, splattering along the tin roof of the shed to the right of you. The water splashed upwards into the air each time it made contact with the surface, making it look like a water-show in Disney. You were sitting in a classroom, doing your grade eleven English work - working on your oral presentation for World War I. Not your best area. You were working on a book called "A Rose for the Anzac Boys." It was very boring, you remember going a chapter in and virtually giving up. But you pushed through.

At this moment of time, your eyes were intensely watching the laptop screen. You'd managed to score a seat beside the window at the back of the room by yourself. The teacher never came back here, her fat arse couldn't squeeze between the desks - the whole school knew that.

You fingers pressed the arrow keys; right, left, down. Not up, that would fuck your whole game up. That's why you sat at the back, you just played '2048.' Best game ever, you could always close the tab within seconds if a student walked by - but most were doing the same thing.

You glanced at the time, seeing it read 2:30. Another hour to go until you could go home and do nothing. You sighed, looking up from your screen and out the window. Watching the rain splatter down on the surface of the world - everything. You snickered as you watched the women and men tumble around in the rain. Their umbrellas flying everywhere from the harsh winds.

You felt something excruciating in the back of your head, almost a headache about to bust out of your face. You gently rubbed your forehead, feeling a burning sensation. "Ahh.." You groaned, looking down at the time to see you've wasted over ten minutes staring out the window. Shocked, you looked back outside to see the rain had completely gone, and the wind had blown away. Your hand was still on the back of your head, but the pain had gone suddenly.

A glimpse of red caught your eye, making you look over to the right of the window, staring at the staff car park now. The red was still there, and it was a circular shape. Your eyes didn't fault, but you thought they did when the red circle multiplied, then went up into the air. "Balloons?" You whispered, watching them go up and up in the clear sky, then pop from the atmosphere. You looked back down at the car park, seeing the back of someone near a car: the orange-red hair catching your eye.

Cringing, you looked away. Thinking it was just some cracked man standing in the car park with dyed hair. But the intense stare of someone bothered you, so you looked back out the window to see the man had moved around fifty meters to the right. Now facing you, his facade towering over the ford forester beside him. You slowly lowered the screen of your laptop, squinting your eyes as you stared at the man. Soon realizing he had makeup on, and unusual clothes. Tassels, flares, and makeup - was he the one who let those balloons go?

You shuffled uncomfortably in your seat, seeing the person just continue staring up at your classroom window. He wasn't staring at you now, that's what you said to reassure yourself. But you still felt uncomfortable, because you know for sure he was staring at you before. How can he even see you? Your two stories up in a brick school. He was over two hundred meters away, and two stories down. This man really had some eyes.

Suddenly the male held his hand out, waving it around frantically before string soon formed in his palm. You gulped, seeing him chuck it in the air and a red dot at the end of the string slowly enlarge. Another balloon - he just created a balloon out of nothing. You gasped, watching it go up and up before it suddenly came towards your window. You were shaking violently, watching the balloon come towards you then stop around a meter away from the window. Your heart was thumping loudly, you were surprised no one noticed any of this yet. Too caught up in the moment, you leaned forward, pressing your face against the window.

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