Chapter 14: Jobs and Eavesdropping

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Ok how did you guys jump so many reads

it's insane

thank you so much! <3


Mitch's POV

With a sigh, I picked up my guitar and started to head back to the restaurant. Walking in, I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I see that it was Alexandra's Uncle Jordan with a smug grin plastered in his chubby unshaven face.

"Mitch," he said, "Just who I was looking for. You saved my niece. Thanks for that bye the way. And you fixed Andy's computer. He wanted me to tell you that he wants offer you a job at his story working on computers to help you pay off you and Alexandra's debt."

Nodding excitedly, I asked eagerly, "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow show up at Andy's store at 7 am, you can't miss it." With a nod, I turn around, cheeks flushed and a cheesy grin on my face as I realized to myself, I can still get real recordings done.


Alexandra's POV

Laying on my bed, I hugged my striped pillow against my chest as I thought about Mitch singing to me. A blush formed on my face thinking about it.

I've never felt this way before. Everytime he payed attention to me, my heart practically beated out of my chest and my cheeks would turn crimson. Never had a guy sing to me or sacrifice himself for me before. Something about him was special. And it did something to me. But I liked it.


Next Morning


Squinting as I tried to wake myself up, I roll over to see that it was already 8 am. Leaping out of bed, I toss on a tank top pastel pink tank top and a light grey cardigan over it with denim shorts. I walked in front of my mirror and smiled at myself contently. Smoothing out my outfit, I happily walked out the door, in search for Mitch.


Mitch's POV

Rubbing my eyes, I see that it was already 6:30 am. With a gasp, I literally leaped out of bed, in search for something to wear. I ended up wearing a red checkered button down shirt and a pair of ripped up jeans. As I extend my arm to turn the doorknob, I look over to the mirror, which gleamed brightly in the mirror. With a small smile, I walk out towards Andy's computer store.


Walking in, I see the store is slightly dusty and a guy around my age was slumped over the computer, his dirty blonde hair sticking up in different crazy directions, heavy violet bags under his eyes and his arms hanging lazily at his sides. With a frustrated sigh, I push the guy's arm over causing his face to hit the heyboard. Hard. Stiffling a laugh, I bring the guys's arm back up in attempt to wake him up a little more.

"We...we dont," the guy yawned, using his hand to cover a yawn that threatened to escape, "We don'"

"Uhm," I mumbled awkwardly, "I'm offered me a job here?" Looking at him, I see his eyes had not even opened and he was once again, asleep. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and grabbed a mug with was by his computer, filled it with ice cold water and tipped it over his head. With a jolt, he jumped up in his seat.

"I'm up, I'm up!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide from the cold water running down his body. Suddenly, he directs his eyes towards me, his face suddenly looking surprised.

"You're Mitch right?" he said, seeming quite anxious. Nodding, he motioned for me to follow him into a room where 2 people our age sat there eating doughnuts and drinking coffee.

Him and Her ( A BajanCanadian Fanfiction ) *ON HIATUS*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt