Chapter 6: Metro Man is Dead

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Megamind's POV

I sit in my evil chair as Minion takes the bag off of Roxanne's head.

"Hello Ms Ritchi, we meet again." I smirked.

"Would it kill you to wash the bag?" She asked.

"You can scream all you wish Ms Ritchi. I'm afraid no one can hear you!" I said holding my hand up to my ear to listen.

She stares at me with a sarcastic smirk.

"Why isn't she screaming?" 

"Ms Ritchi, if you don't mind." Minion asked nicely.

"That's not how you get her to scream." Spray replied with a spray paint can in her hand.

She sprays "SD" on Roxanne's dress. Roxanne gasps.

"That was my favorite dress!" She yelled.

"Boo hoo there's a lot more at Khol's." Spray spat.

I smirk, "Perhaps you haven't met my 2nd sidekick. Spray Demon, the evilest villain of Metrocity."

Spray grabs her skateboard, "I'm off to spray paint the museum."

"Spray it good, Spray." I replied.

"I won't let you down." She replied back skating away with the brain bots.

"Since did she join the team?" Roxanne asked.

"A couple weeks ago. She has done a huge improvement to this team. And my ticket to ruling Metrocity."

Your POV

I skate behind the Metro Man museum to the huge statue. I take out blue spray paint and spray "SD" and "M" on the statue. Suddenly, lasers fill my ears. The curtain comes down and I was revealed to the city.

"Spray Demon!" The Mayor yelled in fear.

The brain bots fly out and I spray paint the air and disappear. And by disappear, I mean skate away back to the lair. I hear Megamind laughing evilly as I enter the room.

"Ah Spray! How was your adventure?" He asked.

"Evilly satisfying." I answered.

"Excellent!" He smiled, "I have Metro Man trapped in the abandoned asorbatory!"

"What! No way!"

"Yes way! Just look for yourself." He replied pointing at the monitor.

I look at it to see Metro Man trapped, "Nice."

"Ready the death ray, Minion!" Megamind demanded.

"Death ray. . .readying." Minion said pressing a button.

"Fire!" Megamind yelled.

There was about a minute of silence. Megamind walks over to Minion.

"Minion." He whispered, "Fire?"

"Uh it's still warming up, sir." He answered.

"Come again?"

"Warming up." Minion answered again.

"Warming up?" Megamind asked, "The sun is warming up?"

"One second morrrrrrrrrre and just a teeeeeeeensy liiiiiiiitle bit more and we should be ready in no time." He said.

And by that he meant 5 minutes.

"I told you to have things ready. I told you several times." Megamind mumbled.

"Why do you always blame me?" Minion asked.

"You geniuses take too long." I saod shoving them out of the way.

"Crab nuggets!" Metro Man yelled falling down.

"What did he just say?" Megamind asked.

"Crab nuggets?" Minion answered as a question.

Metro Man flies into the copper walls of the asorbatory.

"What kind of trigger is this?" Megamind asked.

"You mad genius! Your dark gift. . .has finally paid off!" Metro Man yelled.

"It-It has?" Megamind asked.

"Megamind the death ray is at 90%." I said.

"Copper drains my powers!" Metro Man said.

"Your weakness is copper? You're kidding right?" Megamind asked.

The death ray shoots at Metro Man and the asorbatory explodes into fumes. The explosion was so powerful that we fell down. Except for Roxanne, she was tied to the chair.

"Look!" Minion yelled pointing at the sky.

"Metro Man." Roxanne smiled.

"Metro Man." Megamind said calmly, "METRO MAN!"

We panic until Metro Man knocks Megamind over. Megamind sits up and looks down at Metro Man's skeleton. 

"Ah!" He yelled standing up.

Roxanne gasps as we all stare at the skeleton.

"You-you did it sir." Minion said.

"I did it?" Megamind asked.

There was a few seconds of silence.

"I did it! Metrocity is MIIIIIINE!" Megamind smiled.

We all have a reason to be evil (Megamind x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now