Chapter four- Seriously?

Start from the beginning

"Not something" The female replied, not moving from her spot "She’s protecting someone." She added, I snarled at her, trying to get her to back up, but she still didn’t move. But instead she just stared at me, seemingly unfazed by what was going on.

The male seemed unsure about being here "Shouldn’t we leave then? If it’s protecting someone, who knows what will happen." The male said, I rolled my eyes at being called an it, but never once stopped growling. They needed to get away.

"I fucking hate leeches, Jake."

I complained, my eyes were dead set on them "At least the ones recently" I added, if I wasn’t getting any sleep before, I sure as hell won’t be getting after this, I will be too worried about more leeches coming.

The female tilted her head at me "She doesn’t want us here." She said, I haven’t met a leech like this since Edward, she must be a mind reader "Correct." She replied with a small grin, something about her kind of reminds me of Alice, I don’t know what.

"Well, since you can read minds, fuck off. And you better NOT touch my daughter, if you do, I will murder you"

I threatened, here is a lesson for you all, it’s quite an important thing too. Do not fuck with a mother’s child, especially if the mother is built to kill.

"The person she is protecting is her daughter" The woman announced, I growled lower at her, trying to get her to back off. But instead of putting an once of fear into her, I made the male back off even more, which is good I suppose, but I want her to back off.

The male seemed to be afraid of me "Then we really should leave if its her daughter" He said "come on lets go" The male urged, I approve of his efforts to try and get her to leave as well, though I doubt she will actually leave.

"Evan, stop being such a scaredy cat" The woman scolded only looking briefly at her male companion and back to me "Since you seem to know about vampires, look at our eyes, do we look like we would kill your daughter? We know shes human unlike you" She said in a gentle voice.

I broke my contact with them to actually get a good look at their eyes, sure enough they were golden, just like the Cullens eyes. I wonder if they knew the Cullens and they learned the way from them, the only other group of vegetarian leeches I knew of were a 'family coven' of the Cullens.

"That's easy for you to say" The male 'Evan' mumbled, and took yet another step back, I was liking him more by the minute. He was a smart one, he knew if he stayed the fuck away I might not hurt him, then again I might get really angry, who knows.

The female broke out in laughter "She thinks you're smart for staying away because she might not hurt you, but she might get to angry and just might" She said, grinning, this only made Evan back up more " I am Marissa, this is my older brother Evan" she introduced.

"Audrey, what is going on? Who are you talking too?"

Gaby asked, if they sound worried like this, I can't imagine what Paul would sound like. I suppose it's a good thing that I am in Jake's pack and he's not, or else I think we would both go more crazy.

"Gaby, I would say everything is fine but that would be a lie, and I am talking to two leeches"

I replied and stopped my growling even though I stopped, I never moved from my protective position, who knows if they will strike if I let my guard down.

The woman, er, Marissa obviously knew she wasn't going to get a name from me, so she spoke again "Well, why don't you two come with us? We will give you some clothes, since you obviously need some new ones." She said mainly talking about the shreds of my night gown that was on the ground "And, to feed that poor child of yours, she must starving" She added.

I would of said no if they didn't offer food for Sophia, so much would be different if I didn't have her with me, a lot of things I would of done differently. I probably would of been further away by now too, since I would of been able to run faster "Fine." I said in defeat.


Paul's POV

It was pretty much dead quiet throughout the pack, those who were phased were sleeping, and of course not everyone was phased. It was just me, Sam and Colin, even though Colin was only just sixteen, he was looking too and he hardly knew Rey,

Just as I went to stop running to rest after running for two days straight, Jared phased, I had thought for sure he would be asleep too, it's rare for him to phase this late "Got important news" Jared announced, waking up Sam in the process.

"If its anything like the last news you brought, I don't wanna hear it"

I replied, the whole bullshit with me having something to do with Rey and Sophia being gone is just stupid, it doesn't help the media that I am not around to deny it all either.

We were also at the point that I had no idea where anyone was anymore, hell I don't even know where I am for sure "It’s not" Jared said "According to Gaby, Audrey had phased and from what she understood both her and Sophia are alive, but not everything is fine" He continued.

This brought on mixed feelings, I was happy, no more than that, to hear they were both alive. But, it also brought more fear that not everything was fine, not that I expected everything to be fine, but it only made me want to look for them even more, to find out what was wrong and make it right.

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