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  • Dedicated to My lovely fans<3

A/n: Firstly, this is the sequel to Imprinted Heart, if you haven't read that yet I highly suggest you do so you understand this story, secondly. I had not planned on posting this before I finished the first chapter, but I decided to anyway:) I do not own the characters that  are clearly Stephenie Meyer's but I do own two of the major characters as well as most of the plot line for this story.


Lighting spread across the night sky, followed by a loud rumble of thunder that seemed to echo across the trees, it was a quite strong storm unlike most nights recently. According to the news, it was supposed to be one of the worst this year.

"Mommy!" Sophia cried out making my eyes open, I had not been asleep, I had actually been trying to fall back asleep. I've been some what keeping an eye on the storm to make sure it doesn't get too bad, which I hope it doesn't, not with Sophia.

I gently moved Paul's arm in hopes to keep from waking him up, which of course failed " I have to go check on Sophia" I whispered before getting out of bed, we have been married for a year now, our one year anniversary was last month.

I made my way to Sophia's room, not bothering turning on any lights, it's not like I even need them. Just as I walked into Sophia's room, a bright flash of lighting, the light from it filled up the room and barely a second later a loud bang of thunder.

The small amount of light that came from Sophia's unicorn night light shut off, well that is just great "Mommy" Sophia whimpered from her bed, I walked over to her bed careful not to step on any toys on the way over to her. Which I luckily didn't.

After I took down one of the railing on the side of her bed, put there to keep her from falling off during the night, I sat down on the edge of the bed and held her in my lap "What's wrong baby girl?" I asked in a considered voice.

"Rain scary" Sophia sniffled pointing a finger towards the window "Mommy, make rain go bye bye" She pleaded, looking up at me with tears in her eyes, it broke my heart seeing her like this. I do not like seeing her cry, it makes me feel terrible.

I kissed her forehead "Mommy sadly cant do that" I replied and stood up with her still in my arms "But, mommy can sing you back to sleep, and when you wake up all the scary rain will be gone. And there will be puddles to play in, how does that sound?" I offered.

Sophia sniffled again as I wiped a stray tear that fell down her cheek "Teddy too?" She asked innocently, yes she likes unicorns and teddy bears, typical little girl things. But she likes purple instead of pink, I am waiting for the pink phase to hit.

I laughed softly "Yes, teddy too "I replied and grabbed a white and yellow teddy bear off her bed and handed it to her, she quickly held her teddy bear close to her and nuzzled her nose into the top of its head. It's quite cute if you ask me.

There was suddenly a cold pair of hands touching me, before I even had time to react, we were taken outside. My eyes grew in fear and anger when I noticed someone held Sophia his, I tried fighting out of the leech's grip, but just as I almost broke free, I felt a needle get jabbed into my arm making me wince in pain.

I still tried to fight, but I felt dizzy for some reason, why could not I smell them when they came? I struggled to break free, I needed to get Sophia away from them "Are you sure?" the leech that had a death grip on me asked, then I felt another needle get jabbed into me, what are they doing?!

"Positive" The other one said, I wanted to kill him first, and I think the one who was holding onto me knew it. I felt weaker, it got harder to try and break free, but I have to. I have to get Sophia away from them, I need to protect my baby girl.

Black was trying to take over my vision, Sophia had her arms extended towards me and there was more tears falling quickly from her eyes, but the dark quickly took over. I feel like I failed her, I failed my daughter "Daddy!"I heard Sophia shriek right before the dark took over completely.

Paul's POV

The shriek of Sophia's voice was what really brought me to it, damn it, I had hoped the worried feeling was just a dream, damn it. It felt like I could not get up fast enough, like something was holding me back. The first place that came to my mind to run was Sophia's room, soon as I stepped foot in the room, complete terror and worry shot through me.

Empty, without wasting another second, I ran to the only other place I could think of, outside. The rain was coming down faster than I had thought it was, I ran further away from the house not caring how soaked I was getting.

My eyes stopped on Sophia's teddy bear that laid face down on the wet ground, the second I saw that I had to force myself not to fall to my knees, I felt weak. They are gone... They were the two things in this world that seemed to give me strength, the only two people who I truly loved.

Taking off running once again, but this time towards the forest, I phased as I ran and did not miss a beat as I continued to run. I could not find either of their scents, the only one I could catch was a very faint one from Sophia's teddy bear, it wasn't even theirs.

It was a damn bloodsucker's scent, why couldn't I smell them!? What is wrong with me!? Without slowing down, I moved through the forest trying to find some sign of where they went, I can't do this alone. There is no way, I need help. So I did the only thing I knew to get everyone off their lazy asses to come help.

I howled...

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