Chapter two- Been soon...

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A/n: I hate how rushed this seems, but most of the ideas I have for this is after Audrey and Rey leave the place they are at and run. So, please bear with me.

Do you know what makes Rey and Sophia being gone or missing even harder? The fact that is has almost been two days and it has spread around state wide that they are missing, it made breaking news even since barely anything ever happens in quiet La Push.

It did not even make news o when Jacob left for months but that is because it was classified as a runaway which it was, also one thing that sickens me is they also suggest that Rey just got up and left with Sophia, she would never do that.

The only way I even found out about it making news is through the pack, it started with Jared since he phased right after he watched it, which meant I got to see it as well. All because of the communication through the pack, so when more of the pack saw it, it kept coming back to me.

It's so vividly stuck in my head, I can remember it word for word, which way the reporter looked even if the slightest bit, and how they flashed a picture of them on the screen, that they some how got a hold of. Which probably meant someone we knew reported it.

Seeing it in my head sometimes helps, it keeps the fire burning that I need to keep up at least some hope. It's not an easy task trying to look for them, but I would go to the ends of the earth to find them, and that is what I will do, whether I have their scent or not.

To add on to the difficulty, no one in Sam's pack can hear Rey's thoughts if she phases, which I doubt she will when shes near Sophia. And since I am still in Sam's pack, it makes it harder for me to search for her, but the only people who can hear her thoughts, are the members in Jacob's pack, yes she joined Jacob's pack.

Also, nobody knows why there is no scent and very little vampire scent which is only on one thing, Sophia's teddy bear... Her favorite thing in the world she has had it since she was born, it was actually a gift from Gaby and Seth, and Sophia hasn't let go of it since.

When we find them, no not IF  we find them WHEN we find them, I won't give up until we do. I will be the one to give it back to Sophia, nobody else, I will be the first one to hold then again no one else. You would act the same if you had the two most important things to you taken away.

Audrey's POV

I held Sophia close to me, the leech finally left us alone, the moment they have to go hunt, I am taking Sophia and running, fast as I possibly can. They told me the reason why they wanted to kill me, so why they felt the need to bring Sophia, I have no idea.

"Mommy" Sophia said in a quiet voice that was mixed with sadness, there was only one things I knew for sure, that one she won't be cold. As much as I want to say she won't leave my sight, I cant say that for sure, if it means she will be safe then she might have to " I want daddy, why daddy not here?" Sophia asked, looking up at me.

How am I supposed to explain to her that we cant see Paul? At least not now "I know baby girl, I want him here too." I whispered while trying to think of the right way to put things "We will see daddy soon enough." I added softly, I least I hope we do.

Things would be faster if I phased and I know that, but I am not ready for Sophia,even if she wont understand or even remember in a few years, to know about this part of our lives. There is a chance that she will be a wolf as well, with the wolf gene being so strong since of course both me and Paul are wolves.

Though I eventually grew to like the wolf side of me, I don't want Sophia to have to go through it, to have to deal with so much. Especially the leeches and the same risks of injury we had and still have to  go through when it comes to protecting the land from the leeches.

An example of the risks while being a wolf and trying to protect the land or people you love and how it can end badly, for those around you as well, is Oliver and Elliot. They both had died trying to protect and fight off the leeches, Leah still isn't over it.

But get this, if it was just me here, and I knew Sophia was safe, I would be killing the two leeches that took us. One for like kidnapping us, two for saying they are going to tell me, but almost most importantly. Revenge, they were the two that killed Oliver and Elliot.

How do I know that? Well, because when the leech told me that they were going to kill me, he told me why. It's because I was in the same pack as Oliver and Elliot,  they hated them for some reason, I knew I was missing out on a large amount of detail if they wanted to kill me for being in the same pack, there has to be more behind it.

"I want daddy..." Sophia whimpered, she sounded so tired, so sad. But she also sounded scared, sure she has been away from Paul before when hes been on patrol.  But, she was at her own home, not with some blood sucking leeches around, whom she probably is terrified of.

"Baby girl, I know, mommy wish she could make him come, but she sadly cant" I whispered then kissed the top of her head, it was hard to not let tears form in my eyes, knowing how upset she made it extremely difficult, it actually made it almost impossible.

I didn't want her to see me cry, it probably would make her cry even more "But,but" Sophia began, with obvious sadness in her voice " I want him" She cried " I miss daddy" She continued, breaking my heart even more with each word  I want daddy" She cried again.

"He misses you too baby, he misses you too." I reassured, trying to seem strong, screw leaving the second the leeches have to hunt. I am going to figure out how to leave the second Sophia falls asleep, I want to get her out of here soon as possible.

If they follow us, and try to hurt us, especially try to hurt Sophia. Though it might be hard at first, I will phase, I will protect Sophia. But if they even think about hurting Sophia, as much as I will regret it, and it might scar Sophia, I will kill them without a second though.

"Baby girl, please always remember" I began before pausing to hold back tears "That mommy will always love you, no matter what happens, mommy is going to do everything to protect you and get you back home to daddy." I whispered.

I couldn't hold the tears back anymore, I left one fall, I needed to cry. Though it scared the crap out of me, dying and leaving them, I would do it in a heart beat if it meant Sophia and Paul stayed safe. That they didn't have to worry about the leeches.

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