Even walking through the back alleys to get to the Purple Dragon's headquarters was losing its thrill now that you bore a jacket signifying your 'position' in a gang.

"Once we prove ourselves, they'll probably give us the option to join the gang properly," your friend mused. "Then we'll get to play on the more dangerous jobs."

You stayed quiet after that. They had been mentioning joining the Purple Dragons properly a lot. That wasn't what you had signed up for. You were after a thrill, not jail time but you weren't sure how to get it across properly. At times, the person walking on your right could be a little... um... overbearing... if you were being generous.

Either way, you weren't planning on getting involved with criminal gangs.

The night air made you shiver even under your jacket as you carefully skirted around the edge of an invisible border. One of the Purple Dragon's rival gangs had recently moved in and from what you had heard, they would gut you in an instant.

Briefly, you found yourself imagining the scenario. Surely you would be admitted to a hospital and your parents would be called. Considering you didn't die of course. They'd see your jacket.

The thought alone forced you to stifle a laugh.

Your parents believed you to be a perfect. A lie you had spun as a trap of sorts for them. It gave you the ability to be out so late at night without them worrying in the slightest. It also allowed you a lot of privileges when it came to things like not wanting to go to family get togethers. After all, you were 'studying'.

"One day," your friend mused, breaking you out of your thoughts. They were staring into one of the shadowed alleys. "One day, I will help the Dragons take back this territory. It's been taken from them without a proper fight."

"I thought they didn't care about this area," you asked, recalling the words your 'boss' had told you. "They just want symbols up as a silent middle finger to this group."

"I don't think that's true. I think he said it to protect the Dragon's pride," was the response you got. "But I'm connected to the gang. I can sense the truth."

You didn't even want to start getting involved with that.

The rest of the walk was almost eerily silent. It was New York City so a lack of noise was unusual. Granted, you were far from the main streets but normally you would still hear rats running around or litter being swept up by the wind.

You slowed as you neared the entrance to the main headquarters. Earlier in the night, you had gotten the feeling something exciting was going to happen and now it had returned in a powerful manner.

"Take your time why don't you," your friend groaned, trying to speed you up.

"Shouldn't there be somebody on guard here?" you asked, looking around. "Normally there's at least three people standing outside at all times. Where are they?"

Your friend gave a dismissive wave. "Maybe it was time for their break. Come on. Stop being such a child. You're in a gang now."

No... you weren't. Arguing did you nothing as you walked into the building and you eventually gave up before arriving at the meeting point. Now that you were inside, you could hear some talking but it didn't sound normal. Although you had been given the strictest of orders not to go further into the gang's hangout... it was far too tempting to go and see what to do.

Together the two of you snuck forward, your friend giddy with seeing the areas reserved for proper Purple Dragons. A loud crash from somewhere in front of you caused you to stumble backwards.

Uncharted Depths (Mikey x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя