I stg

15 3 6

I'm so fucking mad with my school right now

I got warned I'd have a bag search this week.

Now, thats fine, only we aren't allowed phones.
I'm not talking not allowed to go on them, I'm talking if they even find it turned off at the bottom of your bag, it's confiscated for the rest of the term (five and a bit weeks, rn)

But I thought, bah, thats fine, I'll leave my phone at home till we have the search, then I'll see where they look and how throughly they do it. That way I can find somewhere to hide it.

Now, it's not just inconvenient when I go to my dad's house, and it's been left at my mums. I also listen to music as I walk home, which cant be done without my phone

Point is, we haven't had the bag search, so I'm pissed, and I'm going back to my dad's house tonight so no wattpad or music until tomorrow evening 😭

I promise, ima stay up for you on Friday (tomorrow), and I'm really sorry I can't get on tonight.

I'm usually home about 4:20pm after school, so expect me then on Friday.
Incase you wanna work it out relevant to your timezone, it's about 6:50am as I publish this

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