He sweatdropped and laughed embarrassingly.

"I might have taken the wrong turns and train on my way here. I was confident that I was able to make it earlier than you. It seems that you beat me for the first time. It'll probably be the only time too."

"We'll see about that, Goro." You rolled your eyes. Then the alarm rang, meaning that the interview was about to start. "Well, guys, I'll see you later." You waved at them before Ann wished you good luck and dragged Akira and Ryuji to their seats.

"Are you nervous?" Goro asked as you fixed his tie. He wasn't good at making a tie but he doesn't want to learn. There were a lot of complex methods to keep up according to him.

"Sort of. Knowing you, you're ready to take on any of this reporter's questions, huh?" You muttered.

"Hey, take a deep breath. I'll be there to comfort you if something goes wrong, got it?" Goro said, squeezing your hand before turning to the stage and pulled you with him. You both walked to the seats hand-in-hand while the students, mostly the female students, screamed your names in excitement.

You took a moment to breathe before you sat down and tried to bring out the T.V self you've created for this. You opened your eyes and put on a heart-warming smile while waving at the cameras. Goro did the same but in a calmer manner.

"And now, onto the "Hottest Meet-And-Great" segment of our show... After his last appearance was so well-received, we decided to bring back this fine gentleman with his partner today." She gestured to both of you. "They're the high school detectives, Goro Akechi and Y/N L/N!"

"Good afternoon." You said once the crowd quiets down a bit.

"Thank you for taking the time to join us today, Akechi-kun. Your popularity is stunning!" The male host exclaimed.

"Even I've found it to be quite a surprise. It is a bit embarrassing though..." 

"Moving along, we've been told there's a case on both your minds right now. Care to share, detectives?"

"O-Oh, you mean the scandal involving the artist Madarame." You said, remembering about Yusuke and his money situation after they had arrested Madarame.

"There is it! All of this Phantom Thief excitement has caught your attention too, L/N-kun!"

Why wouldn't it? It meant that there are others in the Metaverse. And that turned out to be Akira, Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke... The ones you called your friends. 

"Allow me to be blunt for just a second. What do you think of these justice-oriented Phantom Thieves?" The cheerful woman asked.

You bit your lip in concentration and thought about it.

The Phantom Thieves are responsible for stealing the heart of Kamoshida and Madarame, who were walking freely without the public knowing their crimes. Had it not been for them, students at Shujin would still be abused and Yusuke might have been left on the streets like the other pupils of Madarame.

They did what the police and adults couldn't do. They're bringing justice from the shadows and it's gotten more effective than the police force. 

"If they truly are heroes of justice, I sincerely hope they exist," Goro answered before you.

"Oooh, so you don't deny that possibility that they're real?"

"I may not seem like it, but I sometimes wish that Santa Claus existed. Although if he did, I'd have to arrest him for breaking and entering." He joked around, trying to ease the tension of the interview a little.

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant