"You're welcome." The postal worker stared at her as if contemplating what to do next before finally asking, "Would you like some water? Or coffee? Or something?"

"Water would be nice. Thank you." After the worker disappeared, Cheyenne began to cry. She missed her family, Gaby, and Michael. All because of a lunatic who was jealous because she had people in her life that cared about her. Suddenly, she wondered if Daniel had done it before.

The door suddenly swung open. She jerked to see who entered. To her horror, Daniel staggered through the door. Cheyenne covered her mouth. She could feel her knees buckle. The look on his face was monstrous and murderous. His face was crimson red, smeared with blood his eyes were dark with rage. He growled.

With arms at his sides, he stared at her. Blood dripped down from his nose and mouth while he angrily clenched and unclenched his fists.

"Get over here! Now!"

Cheyenne shook her head "No! You've done enough to me. The police will be here soon, Daniel." He moved toward her. She took another step back. "Leave me alone."

"We're getting married, Cheyenne. You are going to become my wife, like it or not. You will pay for what you did for the rest of your life. I will make your life miserable. It'll be a living hell."

"You already have made it that way. I don't want to be with you. You have no idea what true love is. If you did, you wouldn't have to kidnap someone to be with you. How pathetic do you have to be to do something like that? You needed to rape me because you knew I wouldn't give it up easily. If you were smart, and you're not, you would know I'm not in love with you."

"Get over here." Daniel narrowed his eyes at her and took a deep breath.

"No." She looked for an escape. Everywhere she tried to run, he could block her, but she had to try. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a door to her right. He suddenly lunged at her. She quickly jumped out of his way and made her escape. As she ran out the door, she bumped into a police officer. "Officer! Help me please!"

"Are you Cheyenne Harrington?"

"He's in there. Please get him before he kills me."

"Ma'am, calm down. Are you Ms. Harrington?"

"Yes. Will you please go in there?" She pointed at the post office. "Get him. Please."

The officer pulled his gun out. "Stay here, ma'am. I'll be right back." He cautiously entered the post office. He was in there for a few minutes before he came back out putting his gun back in its holster.

"Where is he?" Cheyenne asked.

"There was no one in there but the postal workers. They said that he jumped the counter and ran out the back door before I walked in." He stared at her "We'd better get you to the hospital to get checked out and call your sister and Mr. O'Neill."

"Michael? He's alive?"

"He is. Why? Did someone tell you otherwise?"

"My best friend was found murdered and I thought that Michael was dead, too. I was told he was dead. I had no idea."

"Let's get you to the hospital and call your family."



During the ride to the hospital, Cheyenne stared out the window of the police cruiser. Michael was still alive. After believing he was dead and knowing Gaby was, she was angry and relieved at the same time. Michael was alive. But was he okay? Really okay?

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