Teenage Years

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By the time April 1998 rolled around--just a year before her death---friends had begun to drift away because of her commitment to God and Jesus. Also because of her belief, she was often mocked by several classmates including Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, who was the second gunman on April 20, 1999. In a letter, Rachel wrote:

"Now that I have begun to walk my talk, they make fun of me. I don't even know what I have done. I don't even have to say anything, and they turn me away. I have no more personal friends at school. But you know what, it's all worth it."---Rachel, age 16 or 17

Often times, Rachel would pray; her mother says that these moments brought tears to Rachel's eyes as she bared her heart and soul to God and Jesus. One time, Rachel actually wrote a prayer for one of the gunmen in Columbine.

By the age of 17, Rachel was participating in three churches; at one of them she choreographed dances at Sunday service. She also attended a youth group called "Breakthrough" where she became a leading advocate.

Rachel also struggled with self-esteem, and her family described her as being "blind to her own beauty." Even though Rachel was popular among friends, she would decline invitations to go to parties in fear that she would succumb to the temptation of drinking alcohol. Rachel did have a serious relationship when she was 15 or 16, but broke up with the guy because she was afraid the relationship would become physical.

According to friends, Rachel would sometimes wear colorful fedoras, crazy hats, or even pajamas to amuse friends. Rachel still enjoyed music and photography and greatly enjoyed watching classics. She often spoke about wanting to become a Hollywood actress.

Rachel was also very witty and funny in her day-to-day life. On the answering machine for their home phone, she left a message saying:

"You have reached the residence of Queen Rachel and her servants, Larry, Beth, Dana, Craig, and Michael. If you have anything you'd like them to do for me, please leave a message."

At the time of her death, Rachel wanted to become a writer and an actress and was considering becoming either a Christian missionary or an actress. She also was planning to travel to Botswana to build homes for people and wanted to move into her own apartment in the fall of 1999.

Rachel Joy ScottWhere stories live. Discover now