"So,” Magnus began confidently, taking a deep sip off his steaming coffee, “What’s there to talk about?”

Alec fought against his painfully dry throat. He had planned out what he was gong to say to Magnus thousands of times, but now that he was standing in front of him, the words seemed to have disappeared. 

“I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for everything I’ve done and how I’m-“

“What’s the point of you coming here?” Magnus interrupted rudely. He stretched back in his chair, exposing his well-muscled chest, which Alec was blatantly staring at.

“What? I just said that I’m-“

“Why did you bother coming here if you were just going to repeat everything you’ve said before?” Magnus frowned, appearing thoughtful.

Alec remained silent. Magnus had a point, he wasn’t saying anything different from the day that they had broken up.

“Magnus, I need you. I can’t even function without you anymore – everything just seems pointless! If you’d give me one more chance, I promise I’d never do it again!” Alec was becoming frantic, trying everything to persuade Magnus to give him another chance

“Do what again? End my immortality for me? My immortality was not yours to take Alec!” Yelled Magnus, his temper clearly at boiling point. Alec sunk back in his chair, attempting to shrink away from his ex-boyfriends fearsome stare.

“I loved you Alec! But all you did was ask me about stuff I didn’t want to talk about: Will, people I’ve dated, my parents! Tons of the people I’ve dated before you asked about that stuff too, and where are they now? Out of my life, and that’s what I want you to do Alec. I want you to be out of my life, so once I’ve settled down for good, you can just be one of the hundreds of nameless, low-life, clingy men and women I’ve had the displeasure of dating!”

Alec was taken aback by Magnus’s outburst; he had never heard such awful words fall from his mouth.

The door directly behind Magnus swung open, revealing a teenage girl, with pale pink skin, and long dishevelled hair. She was dressed in only her black underwear and one of Magnus’s T-shirts.

“Magnus, are you alright out here? I heard shouting so I-“ The young girl screamed, and then snapped her fingers, making a pair of pyjama pants materialize, covering her thin yet curvy legs,

“I’m so sorry! Oh, where are my manners, I’m Kelsier, witch.” The girl, Kelsier said, extending her hand and locking Alec in a firm hand shake.

“Alec,” Alec replied meekly, barely holding back tears.

“Magnus, you’ve never said you were friends with a Shadowhunter!” She squealed happily. Kelsier walked over to Magnus and sat on his lap, draping her hands around his neck and kissing just below his ear. “Then again, I know not to ask questions; I know how much you hate that.” She added.

Magnus looked at Alec and raised his eyebrows, as if to say she’s a smart girl.

“Are you going to stay for dinner?” Kelsier asked politely.

“No,” Magnus answered for him, “Alec here was just leaving.”

Double upload tonight, again :* xxx

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