the mark..

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"if you do one thing we will" nate said smirkinghem at me. "and what would that one thing be" i questioned them. "let my brother ash here give you a kiss" tempting but what would people think of me if i was kissing this guy on my first day. "Uhm nope" i grinned at them and walked out of the room. they all chased after me. "why not" nate gwowned. while ash just smirked at me not caring that i was rejecting him. "because and what are you smirking about" i questioned ashton. "well you see cutie ive plenty of time to kiss you and if i have to steal oe i will" he winked at me. kinda forgot that he will be around me alot. "now come on ill take you to the restaunt because the sooner you get thee eat and then go home the sooner ill have you  to myself" he winked and all the boys just chuckled. im not gunna lie usually id just kiss him because its oly a kiss and he is a goodlooking guy but i dont know what he is like he could be a player that just was to be in my pants in a couple of months and then that would make rooming with him very awkward.

"heres the restraunt andim guessing thats your friend waving over here like an overly exited chiwawa" ashton nodded his head over to tiff. "chiwawa's cant wave" i winked at him but before i could walk off ash pulled me back around and kissed me on the cheek and rubed up and down along my waist. "ashton" i squealed pulling away. "oh i love it when you say my name" he winked at me im gunna remove his eyelids if he winkes one moe time. "i tuned around ad shouted back to him. "your flirting games ant going to wok on me ash" "thats what you think Ari, see you tonight babe"....

"it was geat meeting all you aswell" i gave everyone a hug. tiff had introduced me to the group she hangs out with and they all seem really cool since they all decided im one of them now cameron wants to call the group super 7 ya ino he sounds gay but know he is acctually really cool funny and goodlucking i found out he is ashton and nates cousin. then theres riley miles james chlo and perrie. "ari do you have anybody to walk you back to your dorm beause mines a bit further on from yours" cameron asked awkwardly while scratching his kneck. his shit lifted up a bit and i could see his v line but before i could answer tiff did for me. "she would love for you to bring her" and she pushed us both on.

"so your a city girl huh" cameron questioned me. "yup and you a country boy"i questioned him back and he knodded in return. "the countrside is so quite i kinda like calafornia because its a bit of both" i cant wait to get out of campus and look aroud. "ya its a geat place wait till you get off campus the beaches ae awesome" he grinned. "you only enjoy the beach because its full of girls in bikinis" i winked at him. "why do you think i want you to go" he winked back i just gigled at him. "well this is me" i knodded up at my door and took a step up. "unfortuaintly it is but before you go i i was woundeering if you wanted to go to the beach with me on friday" that gives me tomorrow to buy a bkini.. wait is this a date. "id love to" " geat we can organise a time at beakfast tomorrow ill save you a seat beside me" "ill save you a seat beside me" a mocking tone came fom behind me. cameron looked up and rolled his eyes. "enough with the shit flirting cameron come on ari theres pizza in hea for you" "i just ate so go back in yourself i spat back at him. "oo someones grouchy" "its alright ari im well used to my annoying little nump of a cousin ill see you tomorrow"cameron hugged me and i kissed him on the cheek when we pulle apart. "aww cams blushing" cam glared at ash. "bye cam ttyl i gotta go find out what the annoying buzz in my ear is" i turned aound and glared at ash and srtolled into the dorm. the door closed shut. "so dya want pizza o not"  "ya ill get some when i get changed" if ash was gunna play games like earlier today so was i. i put my shortast pyjamma shots on which are yoga shots and i put a tight betty boob top with a v neck.

i could hear the rest of the boys shouting in the sittingroom watching some football game. nate was in the kitchen getting a drink. he could come in usefull. "woah arianna are you tryna get laid tonight" he looked me up and down slowly. "listen nate ill do anything you want if you just go along with what im gunna do in there" i begged him. nte eyed me up and down again and smirked. "alright but just remember i might not be able to control  some of my doigs when your dressed like that" he winked. "fair enough just go in there before me and act like you not expecting anything from me" nate nodded and walked in. i walked in a few minutes later the game was over so now they were all just talking about it. "naa man that shouldnt have cou....damn.." tod trailed off. All there jaws dropped when they saw me except nates he just smirked. "Heyah is there still some pizza left" i asked them innocently. it took a while for anyone to reply "oh um eh ya theres 2 slices on a plate on tome of the television" greg blurted out while still staring at me nate snickered at him.

I dropped my phone (purposly) and bent over to pick it up and I could here ash whisper to Tod "dude she is killing me" I smirked before turning around and sitting on the floor. me and nate kept smiling and winking to each other and the confused look on ashtons face was priceless. "ari are you cold on the floor" nate questioned me inosently. "acctually im pretty warm id nearly wear less if I could (boys eyes widen) but it is pretty uncomfortable down here" nate smirked at me "come sit here then" he patted his lap and nates eyes widened when he saw me standup and walk over. I sat down on nates lap and the boys turned back and looked at the television. me and nate were pretty cuddly but I decided to kick it up and notch.

I slipped my hand up under his shirt and rubbed his abbs. we were whispering in each others eqrs quitely so the boys could see us do it but not hear what we were saying because if they could hear they would know we wernt flirting. "your pretty good at this" nate whispered. "and you seem used to it do girls pretend  alot around you  or somthing" I teased him. "oh ari ino your not pretending" nate started to rub up and down my thigh and ocasionally fiddling with the hem of my shorts. I looked over at ashtons face and it was practicly dripping with jelousy and he seemed pretty angry. "look at his face" I whispered to nate "its been like that for 10 minutes now" he whispered back pulling at my shorts. "how about we finish him off" I sent him a confused look but my questioned look was replyed when nate lifted up my chin and leaned in and kissed me. He twisted us so that I was lying on top of him straddling him. i didnt even realise that I was kissing back. nate nibbled on my bottom lip and I gave him entrance we made out for a bit untill he travelled to my kneck it felt like he was tryna find a specific place. "nate man gettin buissness done" greg shouted. "dude you didnt take your time anyway" I pulled away realising what was hapoening. "nate did you just give ari your famous bite" ash shouted. "sorry ari couldnt help myself"nate stated with a wink. tiff told me about nates famous bite at dinner she said its a thing he does when he wants people to know that he has made out with a girl and he always picks a place thats hard to cover up. I ran to the bathroom and saw the mark as clear as day. "fuck you nate" I shouted out to him they all just started laughing

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