About/What is a "glo up"😋

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Hey guys! So this story is just gonna be an assortment of tips, hacks, quotes, places to get cheaper makeup/clothes, etc....
Most of the tips and tricks are most likely gonna help you "glo up". If you don't know what a glo up is here's some definitions.

1.) A twist of the phrase "grow up", referring to a person's incredible transformation. This is usually based on increase of style and self-confidence (and potentially one's squad).

2.) When a female mentally tells her self that she is worth it, beautiful, and shouldn't care about what anyone else thinks. When she grinds on her own, she has a special look to her now that she accepts her self.

3.) A glo up is when someone becomes confident, and believes in themselves, and they don't give a fuck about what anyone says about them. That's what makes them seem more beautiful.

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