"Damn, I did not know I'd be getting a peep show today!" Negan said, getting excited and I rolled my eyes, a chuckle escaping my throat. I got ahold of the navy blue dress I found and slipped it on. I walked over to the mirror I had spotted earlier and took a look.

I tried on the rest of the clothes, spotting Negan staring at me through the mirror several times as I changed. I kept on one of the dresses and shoved all the clothes I had found into my bag and we walked out. I pulled the scarf off my face, breathing in the fresh air and going back to the truck.

"We should check out that convenience store, for food or water." I suggested, grabbing another backpack and swinging it over my shoulder. Negan grabbed Lucille and I followed him, waiting outside as he checked the store for roamers.

He opened the front door, letting me know it was clear and I walked in. I pulled his scarf over my nose and mouth as I entered, first checking behind the register for any weapons. I used a crowbar to open the safe I had found under the counter.

The safe popped open, a .45 caliber, some ammo, and a bible sitting there, waiting to be taken. I grabbed the gun and laid it on the counter before I checked the ammo box to see if they had been used. All the bullets were there, so I placed that on the counter as well and continued searching under the counter.

Besides the gun and ammo, I had also found some whiskey and grabbed it, knowing Negan would enjoy the find. When I stood up from searching under the counter, Negan was there, leaning against the counter.

"Find anything useful, sweetheart?" He asked, looking at me and biting his lip as I sighed. I pushed the gun and ammo towards him before grabbing the whiskey and showing it to him.

"I found this." I told him, shaking the bottle. He chuckled and strolled over to me, taking the bottle and looking at the label.

"Well damn, sweetheart. You got a good eye, this is some good shit." He unscrewed the cap and took a whiff of the liquor, smiling as he recapped it. "It's too bad you can't have any, sweetheart. We'd have a hell of a night."

"We've already had a hell of a night, if you can't remember." I told him, feeling my swollen stomach over the fabric of my dress. He chuckled as he looked over at me and put the whiskey down; his devilish, but undeniably handsome smirk reappearing.

"Oh, I remember just fine, sweetheart."


We arrived back at the Sanctuary, Negan calling upon his men to unload the things we had found that were for everyone else. Negan walked off somewhere after telling me he would meet me in the mess hall.

I strolled into the mess hall; everyone was already sat down, enjoying their meals and talking amongst each other. I was more than starving, but I had decided to wait until Negan joined me to grab some food, knowing he would just steal food off my plate.

I sat down at an empty table, gazing at all the food and trying to decide what I wanted before I went up. There was plenty of food to choose from; chicken, beans, ribs, some fruit and veggies, and even hot dogs. As I admired all the food, Negan stalked up beside me and sat down.

"Why haven't you gotten anything to eat?" He asked.

"I was waiting on you. Thinking that maybe you should get your own food so you aren't stealing mine." I told him, chuckling a bit but also being serious as I did not want to share.

"You're eating for two now, you really shouldn't wait to eat," He said, his tone showing some worry and making believe that maybe he did have a heart. Part of me wondered if maybe he was doing this to show that he wanted to be involved. "Come on."

We went up to the buffet table and he handed me a plate, letting me go ahead of him. I grabbed just about everything on the table that was appetising, but only after inspecting the meat to make sure there weren't any rare parts.

I passed the lady who docked the points, knowing that points weren't required for me and sat down at the table I was previously sat at. Negan followed shortly behind me, his plate stacked with just as much food as I had.

"Damn, that's quite the meal for one person." I chuckled and raised my eyebrows when I looked at him.

"Would you rather me steal food off your plate?" He asked, reaching for some of the grapes I had grabbed. I slapped his hand and he pulled back, diving into his own plate. "That's what I thought."

We ate together, mostly in silence, but every so often I would giggle at him when food would fall from his mouth and onto his lap. He'd only glare at me, but it was nothing threatening and I knew that he enjoyed this, even if he didn't want to show it.

It was getting late, the sun disappearing over the mountains in the distance. I had decided to go to bed, the trip Negan and I had taken wore me out and I needed the rest. As I walked back to my bedroom, I ran into someone.

I looked up and recognized Daryl. He was in the same clothes as before, but they were extremely worn and his eyes were sunken behind dark bags. I didn't know what to say to him, and thankfully I didn't have to.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and I squeezed back, being careful to not put any pressure on my stomach. Daryl pulled back and looked at me, head to toe, his eyes freezing at the five month growth on my stomach.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, his voice low and raspy. Of everyone in the Alexandria group, he and Maggie were the only ones who knew of my daughter. He knew how much I had been through after her death. "That bastard the father?" He asked, his tone becoming aggressive.

I only nodded my head. Daryl paced in his spot; I knew he was angry, but there was nothing that could be done now. And even if we could do anything, I still wouldn't. It didn't even bother me that Negan was the father, in fact.

"Daryl, look, I know the situation isn't the best and I know you're angry with me about this, hell, everyone is. But this is another chance for me to be happy, another chance to raise a child, even if it isn't in the best environment. You know how important this is to me." I told him.

"I know, y/n, I know. But of all people, him?" He asked, sounding hurt. We heard voices at the end of the hall and I knew that if Negan heard of this, he'd come swinging.

"I'm sorry, Daryl." I said, giving him another quick hug and running off to my room, closing the door and collapsing onto my bed.

I honestly don't really know how I feel about this story but no ones judging so I guess that means its somewhat good. thanks for the reads, I appreciate it!

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