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"Guess who I spent detention with." I say walking up to the table. All three girls stop talking and look at me. "Aaron obviously." Claire says knowing that's who I always spent detention with. "Yes but someone else was there." They all stare at me likely wanting to know who. "I'll give you a hint. It's the new school "hottie"." Claire squealed.

"Omg no way. Was he cute? Was he nice? Omg tell me everything." We all laugh at Claire. "Calm down Claire. If you want Tess to tell us everything you have to stop talking." Reagan laughed. She always thought Claire was a handful but she still loved her anyways. We all loved each other we were kind like sisters.

"Tess hurry up Claire's getting impatient." Rose says with a slight laugh. 

"Well to answer your first two questions yes. He is very cute and very nice." Claire squealed again meaning I should probably keep going with my story. "The three of us snuck out of detention and we went to the abandoned amusement park. Aaron decided we should play truth or dare and I dared Mason to climb the Farris wheel. And he tried so hard to hide the fact he was afraid of height but you could still tell. It was really funny."

Rose shock her head "why do guys always pretend like nothing's wrong. I don't get it." Reagan laughs, "Rose girls do the same thing." Rose just shock her head "That's not true I never try and hide that something's wrong. I'm not like you and Tess." My eyes went wide. "Why are you guys dragging me into this?"

All three girls stared at me with that look. Claire finally broke the silence, "Oh please Tess you hide everything. You're so bad about it to." I thought about arguing with them but I knew they were right. "The only time you didn't hide how you felt was when Colton left. By the way when does he leave again." Rose asked me. They all knew we had been hanging out again of course just as friends.

"Sometime Saturday. He wants to meet me at the diner for breakfast before he leaves. Says he needs to talk to me about something." I kinda shrugged it off but something about it bothered me. The way he said he needed to talk to me. I could tell something was up but I wasn't sure what.

"Are you going to go?" Reagan asked. I could here the concern in her voice. I sighed "I'm not sure. I mean I don't want to go but I want to say goodbye to him. Especially since he doesn't have Ryan over there with him anymore."

"Oh honey, don't you think he has other friends. I mean sure the friendship of a Wilson is the best thing anyone could have but still. I think you guys need more distance. You two always hanging out makes it seem like your back together. I don't want you heart broken when he leaves." Rose was right. I knew she was but I also knew if I didn't go to the diner Saturday morning I would regret it. I needed to know what he had to say.

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