"Get us a cab!" she growled. "We haven't got any time to waste!"


The house was so quiet that Hiccup could hear every creak and groan in the woodwork as he sat on the floor in front of the sofa, Toothless's collar at his side and a picture of Astrid in his hand. He had returned home shortly after breakfast, not caring that his father had begged him to stay-because being away from home had meant he was away from all his familiar reminders of Astrid and Toothless...and because he had felt more alone and bereft than ever. His left hand had been stitched and was still bandaged, meaning the sculptor couldn't even alleviate his grief in his art.

He closed his eyes. "What have I done that was so wrong?" he murmured, his shoulders slumped. "Why did you take Astrid from me, Odin? Why did you let her die? And Toothless? Am I condemned to be alone? Because I will be now. I cannot love anyone but Astrid. I can't think of anyone but Astrid. And I know there is nothing I can do but hang on to her memory and hope the pain one day dulls. But honestly...I don't think it ever will. Not without her." And then he rose slowly, levering himself to his feet. His auburn hair was shaggy, his bruised face marked by grief with scruff along his jaw and emerald eyes dulled. Achingly, he limped through to the kitchen and aimlessly clicked the kettle on, catching his reflection in the window. He sighed: he looked a mess, with deep shadows under his dulled and desolate eyes, clothed in a scruffy tee-shirt, his favourite clay-stained jeans and a pair of beat-up trainers.

"And that happened," he sighed. "Thor, I look like a hobo." He sighed again and listlessly spooned coffee into a mug and sloshed in boiling water, cream and three sugars. "Y'know, bud, at least I'm doing the artist things and getting some serious heartache banked so when I become famous, I'll have a tragic backstory..."

And then the mug crashed down onto the surface, the coffee splattering and the mug spinning on its side as Hiccup covered his face with his hand. His ragged breaths were loud in the abrupt silence.

"Toothless," he whispered. "You should have let him get me."

The doorbell rang four times, the urgency obvious. Hiccup stared at the empty dog bed and shook his head.

"Go away," he growled. The bell rang again...and again. Pushing himself upright, he slowly walked into the hall and stared at the front door. "Who's there?"

"I gotta talk to you!" Ruffnut shouted back. "It's really urgent!" Tensing, Hiccup stared at the door and his fists clenched.

"Go away!" he shouted. "I made it clear I don't want to have anything to do with you!"

"But I have a message for you-and it's urgent!" Ruff shouted as Astrid phased through the door, starting as she saw the wrecked state of her lover. "It's from Astrid!" But though Hiccup flinched, his eyes sparkled with anger and his face hardened.

"Is this some sort of sick joke to you?" he yelled. "There isn't any way you can con me out of anything! I know all about you!"

"Oh, do you?" she shouted back. "Do you know I have your dead girlfriend coming round and insisting I keep doing things for her. And she won't take no for an answer-and she sings like a cat being put through a mincer!"

"You're a con woman and a fake!" Hiccup said, his tone suddenly defeated. "What is wrong with you? What are you doing this? Does it give you some sick gratification to torment me?"

"I'm not faking this!" Ruff shouted.

"Tell him I can see he's wearing the trainers he wore when we went on our first date-to Ulric's Viking Pizza store," Astrid said suddenly.

"Um...she said you're wearing the trainers you wore on your first date. To Ulric's Viking Pizza place. Honest? That was your first date with Miss Hotshot Finance? Thor, I'd have..."

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