| Indominus Rex x Reader - A Bond |

Start from the beginning

You were still confused on why the hatchling was classified and why you were the only person besides probably some scientists to inspect and see it.

You walked inside the laboratory where hundreds of people walked around and watched the scientists work behind the glass wall. Children crowded the glass, all of them with curious faces as a scientist showed them a robotic model of a Tyrannosaurus Rex hatchling.

You walked through the crowd till you saw Clarie standing in the distance. "Clarie!" You called out and she turned around and saw you. "Nice to see you (Y/N)." She said and you nodded knowing that you haven't seen each other in a very long time.

"So where's this so called, classified, hatchling you wanted me to check out?" You asked and Clarie led you into one of the rooms, but it was sealed off and was restricted for the people that came to the resort.

You walked inside as Clarie walked in behind you and closed the door. Dr. Wu, the man that was in charge of creating all the dinosaurs in the park by using the main genes and other small samples of animals due to us not having the full DNA strain of each dinosaur, was leaned over a incubator blocking your sight of what he was looking at.

He turned his head to see you and Clarie and he gave one of his smiles and motioned for you to come forward. You slowly walked forward and what you saw surprised you.

Laying in the incubator were two albino creatures that looked more like a Tyrannosaurus Rex if it wasn't for the short hairs on its back that seemed to resemble a velociraptor. The two hatchlings looked identical besides one had red crimson eyes and one had brown hazel eyes.

They didn't seem to notice any of you as they finally took notice to each other. The brown eyed one became curious and wiggled its small tail as it slowly went towards the other one.

"They're a beauty, aren't they?" Dr. Wu asked making you take your eyes off of them and looked at him. "What are they?" You asked knowing they weren't normal dinosaurs and Clarie stepped in.

"Their base gene is a T-Rex, but the rest is classified." She said and you looked at her confused. "How can I examine them if I don't know what they actually are?" Clarie was about to say something else till you all heard a loud screeching sound.

You all turned around to see the red eyed hatchling attacking the other one and you gasped at the sight. Blood began to pour onto the metal bottom of the incubator and the brown eyed one screeching in pain as the other one wrapped its jaws around its neck.

"Get it off of her!" Dr. Wu yelled at the other scientists that you didn't know were in the room. They immediately inserted their hands into the gloves that were connected to the incubator that allowed them to touch the hatchlings without causing harm.

They pulled the red eyed one off of the other one, but you knew it was to late. Blood covered its jaws as the other one laid limp with a dead blank stare in its eyes.

The hatchling screeched and growled as the scientists held it in place. The other scientists opened the door of the incubator and took the body of the other hatchling out, its head and tail dangling over their hands.

"It tried to eat its sibling and you don't see why this was a bad idea?!" You exclaimed already knowing without them telling you that this wasn't a normal dinosaur and that it was some kind of hybrid of multiple dinosaurs and animals.

"This is a common situation, sometimes when multiple infants are hatched some of them become hostile and attack the others one." Dr. Wu said with a calm voice as though he wasn't fazed by seeing a hatchling killing its sibling.

You looked back at the hatchling as its eyes frantically dodged around the room, till they landed on you. The hatchling stopped trying to escape the hands of the scientists as they tried to take it out and put it in a separate clear container.

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