NL Recovery : S3E1

Start from the beginning

"Where is this?" She asks him soft and he says still embracing her,
"Where I stay. It's not heaven, it's just someplace else."

She pulled away and saw his beauty full hue. His eyes so dark but honest and his raven hair curled so flawless even when it fell in his face.
She blinked and she said to him breathless,
"I died. Didn't I?"

Michael shook his head and he says,
"You're not supposed to stay here. This is not your time."

She felt confused and she asks him sudden, "Why are you here? Michael, you're always at the house.."
He didn't answer and he only took her hand,
"This way."
Her eyes widened and she followed him near reluctant. She took the lead and they found a set of stairs going downwards deeper into a fog. She jumped infront of his path and she demands,
"Come with me.."
Michael only looked to her with a blank face and he ignores.

Shania spat and her sight grew dark. She felt the space close in around her and she worries,
"What's happening.."
She couldn't see as everything turned black,
"Michael...what's happening."
Shania awoke again now in an ambulance and she gasped hard with her back arched for air.

"We've got vitals!" One of the emt's shout and she was frantic. She shook her head around looking and they pinned her against the gurney,
"You're alright!"

Shania looks over and Faith sat now holding her hamd against her mouth,
"Shan!" She said coming close and Shania fought,

"Where's Michael?!?!?"

Faith looked at her with sullen eyes and she says, "He's at home.."

"How do you know?!" She asks until finds herself in the middle of a coughing fit and the medics contain her. Faith leaned back in the seat and felt her world crumble around her. Shania almost died but now she worried that Michael could be gone.

Machines beeped and Shania laid in a drug induced sleep. Faith held her hand and figured the rest had to be good. She felt her phone in her pocket and she stepped out into the icu hallway to call Dee.

She tossed around the thought that maybe she was too busy with whatever she was doing at planned parenthood and she grimaced pissed off. Dee was driving back to the house but she answered,

Faith sniffed and she says,
"Get to the hospital, ICU room 203."

Dee gawked and she asked,
"Ugh, what?"

Faith looked to the wall blankly and she says with her attitude seeping in,
"Whenever you're done ya know at Planned Parenthood. Come see our sister as she lays close to dying."

Dee slammed on the breaks and she shouted in the phone mic,
"What the fuck is going on?!"

Faith clicked to end the call and she rolled her eyes. She chewed the inside of her lip to stop a scream in frustration and she went back to Shania.

Dee busted an illegal u-turn in the middle of the street and she sped up to 90 on the highway. She felt her hands shake around the grip of the steering wheel and she tried to stay calm. Getting into the hospital parking lot, camera's and reporters gathered around the entrance and seeing her face they exploded,
"Deidra!" One woman shouted and they begin to crowd around like a swarm of hungry sharks,
"Do you know Shania's status? Is she in critical condition? Will you be shutting down Neverland Inn?"

Dee ignored every word and she forced her way inside. She shrugged them away and found her way into an elevator. Her hands shook in anxiety and now anger as she finally realized why Michael hated those people so much. The ICU floor dinged and she stepped into the hallway. She looked for room 203 but the rooms all looked alike. She finds a nearby nurses station asking near desperate,
"Room 203, Shania Zimmarmen, she's had an accident?"

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