Chapter 25

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"How...did you...?"

The mermaid shrugged. "Ocean magic. I figured that fog is water, so I made the ocean suck up all the water."

Arthur's stomach clenched upon hearing the words ocean magic. "Are you sure you can do that? Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said with a smile, although there was a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead that wasn't there before. "According to Vladimir, this Leviathan charm acts like a kind of catalyst." She touched her fingertips to the silver fish hung around her neck. "I think as long as I don't overdo it, I shouldn't have to worry about running out of ocean magic. This charm absorbs it for me."

"I hope you're right, love."

She smiled at him, and through the smile he could tell she thought he was worrying too much. He raised one eyebrow challengingly, to which she laughed softly.

"Ehem." They both turned to see Christov standing at a distance. "Now that the fog's gone, Squeaker says 'e can see land up a'ead."

The Captain reached into his breast pocket for his compass to check their heading. The ship was still on track for Berd, so he nodded to his first mate. "We'll need a landing party," he instructed. "I want you and Cutter to come with me and (y/n). Everyone else is to stay aboard the ship."

Christov's lips twitched downward for a brief moment. "They ain't gonna be 'appy t' 'ear that, Cap'n."

"Well, tell the gits that if they have a problem they can come talk to me directly." Captain Kirkland's tone made it clear that there should be no one approaching him over this matter. "I don't want to stay here longer than I have to."

"Aye, Cap'n," the burly man said with a nod before leaving to convey the Captain's orders to the crew.

Arthur looked out to sea and could just make out the Northern Continent on the horizon. It would be about an hour or so before he could drop anchor. There was a rather long gap since his last time arriving in Berd. He didn't make it a habit to travel this far north, especially since the business was poor and the people just as lacking in hospitality. That was the whole reason he wanted Cutter and Christov with him. The more muscle he had, the safer he felt.

About an hour and a half later, the Captain, Christov, Cutter, the mermaid, and much to Arthur's annoyance, Alfred, we're walking through Berd looking for the man Kiku spoke of. Unfortunately, they weren't having much luck. None of the locals were very friendly, if they stopped to talk at all. The ones that did had no interest in talking about the man they were looking for. They all seemed scared.

"Wot now?" Cutter growled as another person scampered away from the group in terror. His low, gravelly voice echoed through the empty street.

"Should we find someone else?" the mermaid wondered out loud.

"Why bother?" Captain Kirkland muttered darkly. "None of these blokes seem all that talkative."

"There's gotta be somethin' we can do." Christov folded his thick arms in thought.

"Hey, I'll go ask in that bar over there!" Alfred said.

He didn't wait for anyone's opinion and hurried away, albeit with a slight limp. The boy had assured the mermaid he was healed enough for walking around, but he couldn't hide the slight hitch in his gait. He had only been off his crutches for a few days, and the Captain suspected he was in a lot more pain than he let on.

"Fool," Cutter spat. He pulled out a knife and began cleaning under his nails with it. There wasn't a hint of concern in his voice or actions.

"Should someone go after him?" the mermaid asked.

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