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Later, Kit learned that Mrs. Sinclaire had been the one to call the police. Apparently she'd called just before the man had burst into her room. She wasn't able to say anything to the dispatcher, though, as he had her rather preoccupied, and they had a hell of a time tracking down the call from her cellphone. It took a lot for Kit not to be angry at them for not getting their faster, anyway. It wasn't their fault, so it would be stupid for her to be angry.

Even if it would have saved her family.

Kit was carted off to the emergency room right away, of course. They patched her cheek up real nice, told her there would be a slight scar that would fade over time. Then a cop came in and told her what she already knew; Mrs. Sinclaire, Nate, and Riley were dead. They hadn't been able to catch up to the man, so he'd gotten away.

The man ended up being right about the funeral, too. It was closed casket. Not just for Mrs. Sinclaire, but for all of them. Not that it changed anything; Kit had already seen their bodies before the autopsy.

By the end of the funeral, everything was set for her to move in with John. He had his own apartment now, a few cities away from the old house. It would be good, Kit thought, to get away from everything--to get a fresh start.

About a week after the funeral was the reading of Renae Sinclaire's will.

Unsurprisingly, she left all of her money to her children. As it was only John and Kit left, it was split between the two of them. After that was sorted, there was the matter of personal belongings; she'd left all of the vintage consoles and games to Nathan and Riley (Kit and John decided to donate those to charity), and her beloved 1968 Maserati Ghibli to John. Most of the other items were donated as well.

Near the end of the reading, Mrs. Sinclaire's lawyer paused, staring down at the will. His eyes widened. "Ah. Interesting." He gave a strained smile to the room. "My apologies; this is a new addition." He pulled out a pad of paper from his jacket pocket, scribbling something down with the pen he'd had clipped to his pocket. "To Kit," he began, moving past the podium towards her, "I leave one of my most valuable possessions." He tore the piece he'd written on out of the pad and held it out to her. "I know she will be able to handle the responsibility."

Hesitantly, Kit reached out and took the paper. She looked down at it and frowned; all that was on it was a list of numbers. "448927792."

"I don't understand," she said, looking up to the lawyer with a frown.

He smiled at her. "It's for the safe deposit Mrs. Sinclaire had at her bank. What she willed to you will be in there."

Kit frowned but nodded slowly. "A...alright."

John drove her to the bank after that, and after a bit of explaining, she was able to get to the safe deposite. The woman behind the counter handed her a small envelope, telling her that was all there was in it. Kit opened it up on the drive back to John's apartment to find a necklace inside--a thin black cord wrapped tightly around a shiny black stone, looping around so it could be hung around a neck. Upon further inspection, the stone had flecks of gold in it and had a slightly holographic effect when turned.


It took awhile to get accustomed to the change of location, but eventually Kit found she was able to smile again. It was great to live with John again, and she'd always found it pretty easy to make friends, so transferring schools wasn't an issue. She was happy.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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