Chapter 1

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"I'm leaving don't wait up for me," I said to my mother while walking out the door. It wasn't like she cared about me anyway.

I zipped my jacket up and put my hood on then I made sure my phone was in my pocket then started on my journey.

You would think I would be scared walking down this dark street alone but nah. I knew everyone who lived on this street but that girl from the other day. 

I walked to this familiar house and knocked on the window 2 times until she came to the window.

"What are you doing here?" She asked which made me roll my eyes.

"You know why I'm here so let me in," I said then she moved back and I climbed into her room. I quietly closed the window and took my jacket off.

"Did you bring it?" She asked which made me laugh, She's always asking me stupid questions.

"Don't I always bring it?" I said sitting on her bed while she bit her lip and nodded quickly. I don't remember how we came to this. Me fucking my bestfriend..  It happened the first time because we was high but the times after that was planned..

She stripped out her clothes and we got to work....



"I miss you bestie!" my bestfriend yelled into my ear while I laid in my bed watching Netflix.

"Mhm I miss you too," I mumbled going back to watching my show Salem then she went into talking about how she finally talked to the guy that she has been crushing on. He lived on her street and he is a dope boy.

"Logan are you even listening to me?" She yelled into the phone making me pause my show and catch an attitude.

"If you don't stop yelling in my fucking ear." I growled into the phone then I heard her doing her fake crying.

"Y-Youu Yelled at me!" She screamed making me hang up the phone. Sometimes I wonder why I'm even friends with her ass. I put my phone on the charger and grabbed my hot cheetos then went back to watching my show.

Right when I was about to put my hand in the bag my phone started to vibrate again making me huff in annoyance.

"Hello!?" I answered the phone without looking.

"Is that how you answer your father?"he said making me roll my eyes. He really just killed my mood..

"I'm sorry you have the wrong number." I said then hung up the phone, How dare he call after he cheated on my mother then left us to marry the bitch and have a baby with her?


Sorry it's short. I should be updating later if I'm not doing anything.


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