First Meeting

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Another schoolyear is starting for Hwiyoung he is now in sophomore year with his childhood friend Chani. They are walking towards school talking about random things.

- Are you going to sign up to a club this year Hwiyoung ?

- I would like to join the rap club. I'll take the audition this morning

- You want to get closer to Youngbin sunbae ?

Hwiyoung blushed, he has been infatuated with Youngbin for a year and since Youngbin will be graduating this year Hwiyoung decided to take his chance. Youngbin is the vice president of the rap club and  Zuho is the president, they are very popular in the school for their rap skills and everybody is crazy for both. Zuho was never seen dating anyone, even if many people confess to him everyday he always rejects them. On the other hand Youngbin takes advantage of his popularity to date people then dump them after getting what he wanted.

Chani sighed, for one year he's been repeating to Hwiyoung that Youngbin is not a guy for him. Anyway Hwiyoung is very stubborn so Chani didn't say anything.

- What about you ? Still in the dance club with Taeyang hyung ?

- Yes by the way we audition people this morning

Taeyang is the best dancer of the school, he is in senior year and leads the dance club with Chani who is his boyfriend.

Once they got in the school they parted ways: after wishing his best friend luck Chani went to his usual dance room while Hwiyoung headed to the room of the auditions. Despite his shyness Hwiyoung loves rapping and writing lyrics it helps him to let go. So far he had never showed his rap skills nor his lyrics to anyone not even Chani. Hwiyoung is stressed he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of his crush he wants to do well.

When his turn comes he enters the room, there was Youngbin and Zuho the two judges on their chairs, a dj and a mic. Hwiyoung bowed to the judges and Zuho bowed back. Youngbin scoffed and looked at Zuho

- Look at him he's a kid there's no way he can rap ! Don't make us waste our time

Hwiyoung wanted to cry but held his tears back. Zuho shot a glare at Youngbin.

- Don't mind him dude show us what you got

Hwiyoung came to the dj and whispered something to him, the dj nodded. Hwiyoung went back to the mic and the dj played the beat of "Think" by Reddy. Hwiyoung closed his eyes and began rapping his lyrics

" Since last year you're occupying my mind
Since last year because of you I'm so blind
I'm just asking for you to make me happy
But instead you don't even look at me
I love you stop playing with me
Everytime I see you with someone else
You don't know it's killing me softly
My eyes just want to release themselves "

He obviously wrote these lyrics thinking about Youngbin. When Hwiyoung opened his eyes the the beat stopped and the judges gave him a standing ovation.

- That was very good ! Your voice is almost as low as mine

- Good job boy sorry for misjudging you. Welcome to the club !

Hwiyoung is happy he is acknowledged by Zuho and his crush and now he is in the rap club. He bowed and left the room.


I'm back with another story ! I wanted to write one with unknown ships because they also deserve to be known lol. Feel free to vote/comment and see you soon for the next chapter

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