As Lifelong Pals

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Growing old together, waking up to see you on the other side of the bed, to sleep in your embrace. If someone were to tell me that I would end up spending my days with the person who glared at me on the first day of studies, straight away I'll convince myself that is just fiction.

But here we are, and seeing you age, day by day, becoming even mature compared to the almost careless teenager that you were. You were still charming, despite our skin getting sagged as the years past.

Most of our friends, who stopped by, visited us every now and then, often asked, just how the hell we managed to stick together up to this point. Each and every time the question was directed to us, your only response was a simple gesture.

To look at me straight in the eye and smile. 

For years of being together, despite the dreaded steep hills we come across or the treacherous waters we swam through, your smile remained the same.

That warm smile, showing off 6 of your upper teeth, how your eyes half-closed as the corner of your lips were lifted probably a centimetre upwards.

The smile you gave me all these years, a smile I didn't see when we were friends, not when we were lovers. Some might say I see things over dramatically, but that was it.

I wasn't sure if time had made me feel so but I was sure that that smile was a side of you that I've never seen before. It was fluttering as if I felt the garden of heart grew flowers of all shapes and sizes.

From being the athletic active person I knew, you grew to love living in a slow pace, taking in every moment as it is. Enjoying, savouring your surrounding, like how people enjoy the view by cruising around at 50 or 60 kilometres per hour. 

I loved how it seems like time slowed down with you, it makes me feel that I can enjoy your presence for a very long time.

Thank you for sharing these years with me. Up to this point, I still feel like I'm in a dream where I am your bestfriend for life.

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