As Partners

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Being lovers is practically the same as being partners, but I don't think it as such. From what I see, when you're partners with someone it's not only about how you're emotionally connected to the person. Rather, you share a lot of other things. 

Loving someone isn't easy but it is definitely easier than to share your whole life with someone, knowing that there are a lot of what ifs that could ruin the bond. 

To match each other, it wasn't an easy task like asking what our preferences were. Nor to walk in sync, feet touching the ground at the same time, steps moving along at the same pace. It was more than that.

More than saying 'I love you' at the end of conversations, more than being the one to wish good morning every day. More than hugs and kisses.

It was about understanding each other, growing and learning together. Prospering together, helping each other to reach for each other's dreams.

That was exactly what you did, what we did. The days were never always shining brightly for us, I can't lie on that. But we always managed to pull through the windy misunderstandings, thunderous arguments, and showers of sorrows. 

We both have been through a lot in the first couple of years after tying the knot. Dangerous waters were definitely where we were headed, with people saying that you could never be with someone for a long, long, long. 

Amidst all the good and bad memories, what still replays clearly in my mind was on our first anniversary. Most of our friends celebrated with extravagant, lavish feast, but then there was us. The two who only remembered when our parents wished us by dropping by all of the sudden late in the evening.

How you hurriedly made a small cake of my favourite flavour as I cooked up whatever I could. A very hasty and messy first milestone of marriage, but the most meaningful. After they went back, you took me for a night walk, as a tribute to the night we spoke our hearts out.

Yet again, we took the night to talk of what we wished to see in each other, of the things we found okay to each other's preference. Topics on how we should manage each other better. There was barely much speech of how we looked back on the rainbow, cotton-candy days of dating.

What we spoke of was of serious matters and slight tension could be evident in our tone. But that made it more memorable. 

We both wanted to grow the flowers we want to bloom from each other and in the end, be proud of being the couple who matured together with only the best interest in making each other the most beautiful flower in the bouquet.

Thank you for being the one who shone such light to make me who I am. And to let me be the one to flourish you with my compassion.

Indeed, having you as a partner took my breath away but this side of you would probably my most favourite one.

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