Micaela's Story. 3

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"Why are you guys doing this too each other?" Amanda questioned as she watched Jamal and Micaela stare at each other from opposite sides of the cafeteria. They both were miserable but too stubborn to talk to each other.

The cafeteria was littered with starving students . Monitors paced around the room to keep the teenagers in order but, occasionally a fruit cup or carton of milk would fly across the room sending the teens into chaos.

Amanda, Micaela and, Jamal had been best friends since middle school. The three wound up in detention multiple times for being tardy and all it took was one conversation for them to instantly form a unbreakable bond. They were the three amigos everybody wanted a friendship like their's but the trio wouldn't let anyone get close to or come between them.

"Doing what?" Micaela dazedly stared at Jamal while trying to spoon canned fruit coattail into her mouth. She had been missing her mouth the whole lunch period but was too concerned with Jamal to notice.

"Micaela you're drooling and you have mixed fruit all over your shirt." Amanda snatched Micaela out of her trance, giving her a napkin to fix her shirt. "You miss em' but you wont talk to him, which makes no sense." She placed her elbows on the Uniframe table and rested her chin the palm of her hands.

"It's his fault." She shrugged sitting the plastic fork onto the table than began to pat her shirt with the white paper napkin. "He's so jealous for no reason." Micaela rolled her eyes.

"And you don't think he has a reason to be?"Amanda raised her left eyebrow in question. She knew how much her best friend spoke about Tupac and Omar and knew that could quickly annoy a spouse.

"No because he's my boyfriend." She crossed her arms. "Not Pac, not Omar."

Amanda was always the groups mediator she didn't care for Jamal more than Micaela or vice versa so her opinion was completely unbiased, but Micaela didn't see it that way.

"Micaela you won't even kiss the guy." She argued. Jamal frequently looked to Amanda for advice on how to get Micaela to show him more affection.

"Just because I don't want to have sex with my boyfriend like you doesn't mean that I don't care about him." Micaela jabbed. Micaela was always the one to insult her friends however she could never take what she dished out. Amanda and Jamal were aware of this so they wouldn't take her insults to heart.

Amanda's fawn colored skin turned a bright red. She felt embarrassed, Micaela's comments had gained the attention of the other students that sat at the table, making her feel even worse.

"You know what Micaela?" Amanda grit on the verge of tears. Micaela was the only one who had knew Amanda lost her virginity to her boyfriend Mario a few weeks ago. It hurt her that her best friend would blurt out something so intimate like that.

"What?" Micaela challenged unaware of the severity of her words. If Amanda was embarrassed about having sex than she shouldn't be doing it, Micaela thought.

Amanda didn't want to argue with her best friend because she knew she was to blind to realize what she had done. Shaking her head Amanda made a beeline out of the cafe.

Jamal watched Amanda exit in confusion. He could tell by the look on her face and her rosy cheeks something was definitely up so he followed behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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